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Author Title Price Purchase
Tapper. (Stephen). The Brown Hare. A Shire Natural History Publication. [5378] £3 Add book to basket
TARPORLEY HUNT CLUB. Bicentenary Collection of Photographs of Members of the Club. 1962. [580] £200 Add book to basket
Tautz E The Hunting Diary and Guide 1912-1913, 1913-1914, 1914-1915, 1928-1929 price per volume [11777] £25 Add book to basket
Taylor. (H.R.). The Old Surrey Fox-Hounds. A history of the Hunt From Its Earliest Days to Present Times. [4638] £65 Add book to basket
Tegner. (Henry). The White Foxes of Gorfenletch [5385] £20 Add book to basket
TELLIER. (N.). Nouveau Manuel du Veneur. Content les tons et les fanfaresles plus recens avec les paroles indiquant l'action le nouvel ordre de la chasse, precedes des principes de musique et d'une Mthode generale pour sonner de la trompe.... [et] Regles de l... [2508] £195 Add book to basket
The Field Hunting Register The Field hunting register, filled in by A.G.Mann [8849] £95 Add book to basket
THE LONSDALE LIBRARY. ADAMS. (Ena and Others). Deer, Hare & Otter Hunting. London. [2483] £28 Add book to basket
The Sporting Repository The Sporting Repository. Containing Horse-Racing, Hunting, Coarsing, Shooting, Archery, Trotting and Tandem matches, Cocking, Predestrianism, Pugilism. Anecdotes on SPorting Subjects, Interspersed with Essay Tales and a Great Variety of Miscellan... [5121] £225 Add book to basket
Thiebaud. (J.). Bibliographie de Ouvrages Francais sue la Chasse. [5079] £50 Add book to basket
Thomas (Maurice) South Tetcott. The History of the Hunt, [11045] £45 Add book to basket
Thomas. (Joseph B.). Hounds and Hunting Through the Ages. [7136] £25 Add book to basket
THOMAS. (Sir W.B.). Hunting England. A Survey of the Sport, and its Chief Grounds. 1936. [388] £48 Add book to basket
Thomson ( John A ) Fox Hunting, The Damage Committee and other Sporting History in Dumfriesshire [11688] £15 Add book to basket
THOMSON. (J. Anstruther). Eighty Year's Reminiscences. 1904. [879] £25 Add book to basket
THOMSON. (J.Anstruther). Editor. Three Great Runs: The Waterloo Run: The Great Wood Run: The Harlequin Run. Edinburgh. 1889. [1957] £50 Add book to basket
Thormanby Kings of the Hunting. Memoirs and Anecdotes of Distinguished Master of Hounds and Other Celebrities of the Chase with Histories of Famous Packs, and Hunting Traditions of Great Houses. [11044] £45 Add book to basket
TICKNER. (John). Tickner's Hunting Field. [8184] £10.50 Add book to basket
Tickner. (John). Tickner's Horse & Hound [5381] £7.50 Add book to basket
TICKNER. (John). To Hounds with John Tickner [8037] £10 Add book to basket
TOOLEY. (R.V.). Some English Books with Coloured Plates. Their Points and Values. Art, Sport, Caricature, Topographical and Travel. First half of the Nineteenth Century. 1935. [1961] £65 Add book to basket
Tough Skin Cheshire Cats and Cheshire Cheeses [11694] £45 Add book to basket
Tregarthen. (J.C.). The Life Story of an Otter. [5379] £16 Add book to basket
TROLLOPE. (Anthony). Hunting Sketches. 1934. [861] £25 Add book to basket
Trollope. (Anthony). Hunting Sketches. Illustrated by Lionel Edwards. [5377] £15 Add book to basket
TROLLOPE. (Anthony). Hunting Sketches. [1963] £48 Add book to basket
TROLLOPE. (Anthony). Hunting Sketches. [7983] £75 Add book to basket
TURBERVILE. (George). Booke of Hunting. 1576. 1908. [888] £45 Add book to basket
TURNBULL. (William). Recollections of an Otter Hunt. Stowmarket. Suffolk. [2492] £18 Add book to basket
Turner ( Francis C.) Batchelor's Hall [9705] £1750 Add book to basket
TWICI. (Wm.). The Art of Hunting, by WIlliam Twici, Huntsman to King Edward the Second. (MSS. Phillipps, No. 8336). With Preface, Translation, Notes and Illustrations by H.Dryden. Daventry. [2509] £395 Add book to basket

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