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Author Title Price Purchase
SABRETACHE (A.S.Barrow). Hunting the Fox. n.d. [1876] £10 Add book to basket
SABRETACHE. (A.S.Barrow). Monarchy and the Chase. [7936] £12 Add book to basket
Sabretache. Edwards (Lionel) More Shires and Provinces. [10442] £295 Add book to basket
Salisbury ( Neil ) The History of the Coniston Foxhounds 1825 - 1925. "In the Steps of Mighty Men". [11486] £75 Add book to basket
SALNOVE. (Robert de). La Venerie Royale, divisee en IV parties. Paris. 1665. [2026] £750 Add book to basket
Sands. (Oliver Jackson). This is the Story of the Deep Run Hunt Club. What It Is, and How It Came To Be. It Is Also the Story of How Hunting Beganand How Hunting Came to Virginia, With Some Added Thoughts and Comments. [8615] £75 Add book to basket
Sassoon (Siegried) Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man. First Illustrated Edition. [11072] £95 Add book to basket
SASSOON. (S.). Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man. 1939 [1880] £45 Add book to basket
SCARTH DIXON. (William). The Sport of Kings. [8105] £25 Add book to basket
SCHARNBERG. (J.F.). Beagling and Basseting. A primer for the Field, with a roster of the packs of the United Sates and Canada. Richmond. Virginia. 1972. [1885] £48 Add book to basket
SCHWERDT. (C.F.G.R.). The Hampshire Hunt in a Series of Five Plates. Privately Printed. [7538] £250 Add book to basket
SCHWERDT. (G.F.R.). Hunting, Hawking, Shooting. Illustrated in a Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Prints and Drawings. Mansfield Centre. 2001. [1888] £65 Add book to basket
Scott Watson. (G.). Foxhunting On The Borders. Extracts From The Diary of a Hunting Farmer. [8713] £55 Add book to basket
Scott-Willey (H,H.) A History of The Worcester Park Beagles and the Worcester Park and Buckland Beagles. A record of a century's hare hunting in East Surrey. [10693] £35 Add book to basket
SCRUTATOR. (K.W.Horlock). The Master of Hounds. 1863. [1892] £75 Add book to basket
SCRUTATOR. (K.W.Horlock). Letters on the Mangement of Hounds. 1852. [1891] £75 Add book to basket
SCRUTATOR. (K.W.Horlock). Letters on the Management of Hounds. 1852. [894] £125 Add book to basket
Servier (Jean) Meilleurs Chiens de Chasse. [10553] £85 Add book to basket
SEXAGENARIAN. (A.). (LEIGH. (John E.Austen). Recollections of the Early Days of the Vine Hunt and of its Founder WIlliam John CHute Esq. M.P. of the Vine. Together with Brief Notes of Adjoining Hunts. [7539] £45 Add book to basket
Shepherd (c.b.) and Earl of Stradbroke Beagling [9737] £18 Add book to basket
SHEPHERD. (J.A.). The Three Jovial Puppies. Rhymes by E.D.Cuming. [1908]. [1898] £125 Add book to basket
SHIELDS. (J.G.). Old Tom of Tooley - Father of the Quorn. His Life and Times. Privately Printed. 1998. [857] £35 Add book to basket
Simpson (Charles) Trencher and Kennel. Some Famous Yorkshire Packs including Bramham Moor, The York and Ainsty, Lord Middlerton's Hunt, The Sinnington, The Bilsdale and The Farndale. 1927 [10819] £25 Add book to basket
Simpson. (Charles). Leicestershire and Its Hunts. The Quorn, The Cottesmore & The Belvoir. [6706] £30 Add book to basket
SIMPSON. (Charles). The Harboro' Country. 1927. [2032] £160 Add book to basket
SIMPSON. (Charles). Leicestershire & Its Hunts: The Quorn , the Cottesmore & the Belvoir. 1926. [2027] £195 Add book to basket
SIMPSON. (Charles). Trencher and Kennel. Some Famous Yorkshire Packs including Bramham Moor, The York and Ainsty, Lord Middlerton's Hunt, The Sinnington, The Bilsdale and The Farndale. 1927. [876] £25 Add book to basket
SIMPSON. (Charles). The Harboro' Country. 1927. [858] £30 Add book to basket
Sinclair-Smith Michael The Lure of the Chase. A Novel [11250] £15 Add book to basket
Sinclair-Smith. (Michael). Don't Trample The Dogs. With illustrations by Michael Fog [5346] £10 Add book to basket
Sinclair-Smith. (Michael). The Rider With The Little Bugle. Illustrated by Mciahel Fog [5347] £10 Add book to basket
Skelton (W.C.) Reminiscences of Joe Bowman and the Ullswater Foxhounds. 1921. Kendal. [11390] £15 Add book to basket
Skelton. (W.C.). Reminiscences of Joe Bowman and the Ullswater Foxhounds. 1921. Kendal. [8373] £85 Add book to basket
Skelton. (W.C.). Reminiscences of Joe Bowman and The Ullswater Foxhounds. [8761] £85 Add book to basket
SKilbeck. (Judith). M.F.H. Poems of Innocence and Anger [6390] £7.50 Add book to basket
Slater. (J. Herbert). Illustrated Sporting Books. A descriptive survey of a collection of English illustrated works of a Sporting and racy Character, with an Appendix of printes relating to Sports of The Field. [5344] £30 Add book to basket
SLATER. (Kitty). The Hunt Country of America. Cranbury. New Jersey. 1967. [1906] £30 Add book to basket
Smith (Harry Worcester) A Sporting Tour through Ireland, England, Wales and France in the year 1912-1913. Colombia. South Carolina. 1925. [11083] £125 Add book to basket
Smith Kenneth Of Hares and Hounds. A collection of Verse [11783] £10 Add book to basket
SMITH, A. Geery (editor). Radnor Hunt (1949): History, Charter, By-Laws, Officers and Members. [11413] £45 Add book to basket
SMITH. (Cecily Fox). Lancashire Hunting Songs and Other Moorland Lays. [1909] [1912] £20 Add book to basket
SMITH. (Harry Worcester). A Sporting Tour through Ireland, England, Wales and France in the year 1912-1913. Colombia. South Carolina. 1925. [1913] £95 Add book to basket
SMITH. (Thomas). Extracts from the Diary of a Huntsman. 1921. [1915] £22 Add book to basket
Smith. (Thomas). The Life of a Fox. Written by Himself. [8351] £65 Add book to basket
SMITH. (Thomas). The Life of a Fox. Written by Himself. 1926. [1917] £18 Add book to basket
SMITH. (Thomas). Sporting Incidents in the Life of Another Tom Smith. 1867. [1916] £45 Add book to basket
SMITH. (Ulrica M.). Magic of the Quorn. 1980. [878] £15 Add book to basket
snaffles My Sketchbook in the Shiny [8428] £20 Add book to basket
SNAFFLES. " I've Heard The Revelly" [8043] £60 Add book to basket
SNAFFLES. FARRELL. (M.J.). and SNAFFLES. Red Letter Days. 1933. [76] £95 Add book to basket
Snaffles. Welcome. (John). and Rupert Collens. Snaffles on Hunting. [6108] £75 Add book to basket
Snaffles. Welcome. (John). and Rupert Collens. The Life and Work of Charlie Johnson Payne. 1884-1967. [6109] £75 Add book to basket
Sneyd. (Barbara). Riding High. 1896-1903. Scenes from a Lakeland Childhood. [5354] £10 Add book to basket
Somervile (William ) The Chace. A Poem [11615] £195 Add book to basket
Somervile (William) The Chase, To which is annexed Field Sports. With a sketch of the author's life by Edward Topham [10564] £55 Add book to basket
Somervile. (W.). Hobbinol. Field SPorts and Bowling Green. [5904] £235 Add book to basket
Somervile. (William). The Chase. [5090] £65 Add book to basket
Somerville (E.O) and Martin Ross The Big House of Inver [10914] £12 Add book to basket
Somerville (E. OE) Slipper's A.B.C of Foxhunting [8989] £375 Add book to basket
Somerville (E. OE) & Martin Ross The Irish R.M. [Complete] [8887] £10.50 Add book to basket
Somerville (E.O) and Martin Ross Some Experiences of an Irish R.M. [10187] £18 Add book to basket
Somerville (E.O) and Martin Ross All on the Irish Shore. Irish Sketches [9707] £15 Add book to basket
Somerville. (E OE). and Martin Ross The Sweet Cry of Hounds. [5350] £18 Add book to basket
Somerville. (E OE). and Martin Ross Dan Russel The Fox. An Episode in the Life of Miss Rowan. [5348] £25 Add book to basket
Somerville. (E OE). and Martin Ross Wheel-Tracks. [5352] £25 Add book to basket
Somerville. (E OE). and Martin Ross Notes of The Horn. Hunting Verse, Old and New. With illustrations by Ben Marshall, Stubbs, Sartorius, Alken etc. [5356] £12.50 Add book to basket
SOMERVILLE. (E.O) and M.ROSS. In Mr. Knox's Country. 1915. [872] £25 Add book to basket
Somerville. (E.O.). Slipper's ABC of Foxhunting. [6601] £975 Add book to basket
SOMERVILLE. (E.O.). and M.ROSS. Some Experiences of an Irish R.M. 1899. [387] £65 Add book to basket
Somerville. (E.O.). and Martin Ross Further Experiences of an Irish R.M. [8950] £30 Add book to basket
SOMERVILLE. (E.Oe.). and martin Ross. 'Happy Days!'. Essays of Sorts. London. [2499] £15 Add book to basket
Somerville. (William). The Chase. [5353] £12.50 Add book to basket
SONGS OF THE CHASE. London. Sherwood, Neely & Jones. Songs of the Chase, & containing an extensive collection relative to the Sports of the Field: including the several subjects of Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Coursing, Angling, Hawking etc. [2502] £135 Add book to basket
SPARROW. (G.). Foxes and Physic. 1962. [871] £15 Add book to basket
Sparrow. (G.). The Crawley and Horsham Hunt. [8403] £150 Add book to basket
Sporting Life and Sportsman British Sports and Sportsmen, Hunting [11038] £150 Add book to basket
Sportsman (The) British Sports and Sportsmen. Hunting. [8967] £125 Add book to basket
Springfield. (M.). Hunting Opium and Other Scents. Halesworth. [7141] £10.50 Add book to basket
Stable and Kennel Illustrated (The). The Journal for Owners of Horses and Hounds. Vol. 1 & 2, Jan-December 1899, (all published), [5065] £50 Add book to basket
Stephens. (C.A.). Fox-Hunting. As Recorded by Raed. The Camping-Out Series. Volume V. [5345] £15 Add book to basket
STEWART. (F.A.). Hunting Countries. 1935. [1934] £65 Add book to basket
Stewart. (F.A.). Hark To Hounds [4610] £70 Add book to basket
Stewart. (F.A.). Cross Country With Hounds. [4609] £75 Add book to basket
Stewart. (F.A.). Hunting Countries. [5066] £75 Add book to basket
Stockton Harriers Stockton Harriers Manuscript Stud Book. Vols. 1-24 in 2 volumes. [7261] £225 Add book to basket
Stonyhurst. An Interesting Account of Stonyhurst Buck Hunt: Detailing the particulars of the Chase of That Day. (In Verse). [4611] £10 Add book to basket
Stranger. (Joyce). The Running Foxes. Hunting Novel [5362] £10 Add book to basket
STRAWSON. (John). On Drag-Hunting. 1999. [1935] £20 Add book to basket
Stringer. (Arthur). The Experienced Huntsman. [5798] £30 Add book to basket
Subscribers and Friends of the Blue Ridge Hunt; Manuscript: Norman M. Fine Blue Ridge Hunt: The First Hundred Years [11673] £125 Add book to basket
Surtees ( R.S. ) Handley Cross or Mr. Jorrocks's Hunt [9228] £275 Add book to basket
Surtees ( Robert Smith ) Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities. [9703] £1250 Add book to basket
Surtees ( Robert Smith ) Mr. Jorrocks Lectors from Handley Cross.Illustrated by G.D.Armour [9735] £175 Add book to basket
Surtees (R.S.) Mr Sponge's Sporting Tour. Edited by Frank Forester [9997] £125 Add book to basket
Surtees (R.S.) Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds. By the author of 'Handley Cross', 'Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour,' 'Ask Mamma,' Etc. Etc. With illustrations by John Leech and Hablot K. Browne. [11744] £525 Add book to basket
Surtees (R.S.) Mr Sponge's Sporting Tour [10943] £595 Add book to basket
Surtees (R.S.) Hillingdon Hall or The Cockney Squire. a Tale of Country Life, [10200] £50 Add book to basket
Surtees (R.S.) Town and Country Papers.edited by E.D.Cuming. [9548] £75 Add book to basket
Surtees (R.S.) and John Jorrocks Thoughts on Hunting and Other Matters, [10048] £45 Add book to basket
SURTEES. (R.S.). Hawbuck Grange; or, The Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott Esq. 1847. [379] £200 Add book to basket
SURTEES. (R.S.). Jorrock's Jaunts and Jollities : or the Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eating, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits of the renown sporting citizen Mr.John Jorrock's. Walter Spiers. 1839 [381] £295 Add book to basket
SURTEES. (R.S.). Works. 6 volumes. Handley Cross, Ask Mamma, Mr.Sponge's Sporting Tour, Plain and Ringlets?, Hawbuck Grange, Mr. Romford's Hounds. Bradbury Agnew. n.d., ca 1880. [386] £695 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). Jorrocks jaunts and Jollities: or, The Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eating, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits of that Renowned SPorting Citizen, Mr John Jorrocks of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street. [6738] £350 Add book to basket
SURTEES. (R.S.). Jorrock's Jaunts and Jollities. With an introduction by Joseph Grego. 1901. [561] £225 Add book to basket
SURTEES. (R.S.). Analysis of the Hunting Field: being sketches of the principal Characters that compose one. The Whole forming a slight souvenier of the season 1845-46. London. Ackermann. 1846 [312] £225 Add book to basket
SURTEES. (R.S.). Hawbuck Grangeor, The Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott. London. Longman. 1847. [1942] £225 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). "Ask Mama" or, The Richest Commoner in England. [4612] £95 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). "Handley Cross", or, Mr Jorrock's Hunt. [4613] £85 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). Mr Facey Romford's Hounds. [4614] £95 Add book to basket
SURTEES. (R.S.). Plain or Ringlets?. London. 1859-60. [2030] £450 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). "Plain and Ringlets" [4615] £85 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). Jorrocks Jaunts and Jollities. That Renowned Citizen Mr John Jorrocks. Second Edition. [5104] £650 Add book to basket
SURTEES. (R.S.). The Analysis of the Hunting Field being a series of sketches of the principal characters that compose one, the whole forming a slight souvenir of the Season 1845-6. 1903. [1946] £135 Add book to basket
SURTEES. (R.S.). Jorrock's Jaunts and Jollities; or the Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eating, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits of that renown sporting citizen Mr.John Jorrock's. Walter Spiers. 1838. [380] £350 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). Works. Handley Cross, Ask Mamma, Mr.Romford's Hounds, Mr Sponge's Sporting Tour, Plain and Ringlets, Hillingdon Hall. [6095] £750 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). Ask Mamma; or, The Richest Commoner in England. Bradford & Evans. [6486] £525 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). Mr Facey Romford's Hounds. [6731] £150 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). "Plain and Ringlets?" [6732] £150 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). Handley Cross or Mr Jorrocks Hunt. [6733] £150 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). Mr Spong's SPorting Tour. [6734] £150 Add book to basket
Surtees. (R.S.). Hawbuck Grange: or, The Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott esq. [6763] £150 Add book to basket
SURTEES. (R.S.). & E.D.Cuming. Robert Smith Surtees. (Creator of Jorrocks). 1803-1864, by Himself and E.D.Cuming. Edinburgh. [2504] £25 Add book to basket
Sussex Foxhunting Sussex Foxhunting Diary 1924-6, [10425] £48 Add book to basket
SUTHERLAND. (Douglas). The Mad hatters. Great Sporting Eccentrics of the Nineteenth Century. [7600] £12.50 Add book to basket
Sykes (Homer) Hunting with Hounds [7924] ££15 Add book to basket
SYMONDS. (Henry). Runs and Sporting Notes from Dorsetshire. Blandford. [881] £75 Add book to basket

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