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Author Title Price Purchase
Babcock (Betty) Illustrated Hunting Diary. recording the Sport of the Season for the Followers of the Meadow Brook hounds 1935-1936 (With) reproduction of Betty Babcock's illustrated Hunting Diary, Recording the sport of the season for the followers of the Mea... [11421] £650 Add book to basket
Back. (Philip). From Terrier Boy To Field Master. [8655] £30 Add book to basket
Bagot. (A.G.). Men We Meet in the Field. London. [2469] £25 Add book to basket
Baliss. (Marguerite F.). Bolinvar. A Hunting Novel. [3514] £45 Add book to basket
Barker. (K.F.). The Young Entry. Fox-Hunting, Beagling and Otter-Hunting For Beginners. [4899] £10 Add book to basket
BARNE. (Frederick). Selections by Frederick Barne to Walter Little Gilmour Esq., Whose name Calls Up the Recollections of Many happy Days Passes in the Hunting Field. (Includes Hawke. The Raby Hunt and Rev. paulet. A Hampshire Hunting Song.) Leamington. [7897] £75 Add book to basket
Barney. (Sydney D.). Clothes and The Horse. A Guide to Correct Dress for all Riding Occaisions. [4371] £25 Add book to basket
BARSTOW. (C.R.) Days With the Lothians Hounds in Spring 1872 by An Old SPortsman. Edinburgh. [7545] £85 Add book to basket
Bathurst (Earl of) Supplement to the Foxhound Kennel Stud Book. [10820] £75 Add book to basket
Bathurst. (Earl of). A History of the V.W.H. Country. Describing the Formation Over 100 Years Ago and Division 50 Years Ago. [4333] £85 Add book to basket
BATHURST. (Earl of). The Earl Spencer's and Mr. John Warde's Hounds. With a Hunting Diary, Accounts of some remarkable runs, Hound lists and Pedigrees. 1739-1825. 1932. [1387] £150 Add book to basket
Bathurst. (Earl). The Breeding of Foxhounds. [4896] £30 Add book to basket
Batten. (H. Mortimer). The Badger. Afield and Underground. [4897] £35 Add book to basket
Beard. (John). A Diary of Fifteen Years Hunting viz: From 1796 to 1811 by John Beard of Tormarton, Gloucestershire, Printed for the Author, Bath, Somerset. [4334] £395 Add book to basket
BEAUFORT. (Duke of). Fox-Hunting. 1980. [66] £12 Add book to basket
Beckford (Peter) Thoughts upon Hunting: in a series of letters to a friend. [9569] £300 Add book to basket
Beckford. (Peter). Thoughts Upon Hunting In A Series of Letters To A Friend. [6082] £85 Add book to basket
BECKFORD. (Peter). Thoughts on Hunting in a Series of Familiar Letters to a Friend. 1796. [316] £195 Add book to basket
BECKFORD. (Peter). Thoughts Upon Hunting. In a Series of Letters to a Friend. Salisbury. 1781. [1392] £550 Add book to basket
Bell. (Isaac). A Huntman's Logbook. Eyre & Spottiswoode [8518] £18 Add book to basket
BELL. (Isaac). Foxiana. [7260] £45 Add book to basket
Benoist-Gironier. (Yves). Conquete du Cavalier. Premiers Elements D'Equitation. Hors-Texte et Illustrations de L'Auteur. [8585] £25 Add book to basket
BENSON. (C.E.). Crag and Hound in Lakeland. ( Part 1 & 2 Climbing. Part 2, Fell Hunting, pgs 213-295) 1902. [1395] £50 Add book to basket
Bensusan. (S.L.). The Life Story of the Fox. [8457] £10.50 Add book to basket
BENTINCK. (Lord Charles). Lord Henry Bentinck's Foxhounds. [1930]. [770] £22 Add book to basket
Bentley. (H. Cumberland). Poems. [4949] £10.50 Add book to basket
BENTLEY. (H. Cumberland). Songs and Verses. 1892. [65] £30 Add book to basket
Berger. (Jean). Collection Jean Berger. Livres Rares sur la Chasse. Christie's, Monaco. [8739] £10 Add book to basket
BERKELEY. (Grantley F.). Reminiscences of a Huntsman. 1854. [771] £75 Add book to basket
Berkeley. (Hon. Grantley F.). A Month In The Forests of France. [4336] £75 Add book to basket
Berry ( Susan ) editor Kicking On, Through the History of Hunting in New Zealand [11665] £125 Add book to basket
Berry. (M.F.). & C.M.Floyd A History of Eton College Hunt.1857-1968 [3771] £25 Add book to basket
Berry. (Michael), and D.W.E.Brock Hunting by Ear. The Sound-Book of Fox-Hunting. [5866] £20 Add book to basket
Berry. (Michael). A history of the Puckeridge Hunt. [4337] £45 Add book to basket
Berry. (Michael). and D.W.E. Brock. Hunting By Ear. [4952] £65 Add book to basket
BIRKETT. (Lady). Hunting Lays and Hunting Ways. An anthology of the Chase. 1924. [1407] £10 Add book to basket
Biscotti (M.L.) Six centuries of Foxhunting. An Annotated Bibliography. [10837] £58 Add book to basket
Bishop. (Tim). Horses Hounds and The Odd Stag.... [4948] £7.50 Add book to basket
Black. (Tim). American Beagling. New York. [2454] £18 Add book to basket
Blanchere ( Les Chiens de Chasse. Races Francaises, Races Anglaises chenils. Paris [9816] £125 Add book to basket
BLANE. (William). Cynegetica; or Essays on Sporting: Consisting of Observations on Hare Hunting.... To Which is Added The Chase: A Poem by William Somervile. 1788. [895] £275 Add book to basket
Blane-St.-Bonnet. (C.J.M.). Manuel des Chasseurs, ou Code de la Chasse. Paris. [6640] £45 Add book to basket
Blaze. (Elzear). Le Chasseur au Chien d'Arret. Paris. [2455] £95 Add book to basket
Blaze. (Elzear). Le Chasseur Conteur, ou Les Chroniques de la Chasse. Paris. [2456] £55 Add book to basket
Blaze. (Elzear). Le Chasseur aux Filets, ou La Chasse des Dames. Paris. [2457] £95 Add book to basket
Blew. (W.C.A.). The Quorn Hunt and Its Masters. [6227] £225 Add book to basket
BLEW. (William C.A.). The Quorn Hunt and Its Masters. [7534] £135 Add book to basket
BLOW. (Simon). Fields Elysian. A Portrait of Hunting Society. [81] £22 Add book to basket
Bodkin ( Thomas) The Noble Science. John Leech in the Hunting Field [9670] £15 Add book to basket
Bogart (William H.). "Sentinel". HOUNDS: THEIR BREEDING AND KENNEL MANAGEMENT. By "Sentinel." With twelve full-page drawings of famous foxhounds by Cuthbert Bradley, and nine photographic illustrations of well-known harriers and beagles. [11686] £60 Add book to basket
Boker (George henry) Te Legend of Hounds [10039] £45 Add book to basket
Boker. (George Henry). The Legend of The Hounds. With pictures by Gordon Ross. [4951] £25 Add book to basket
Borderer Hunting Notes and Sporting Notes in Shropshire and Cheshire Season 1884-85 [11074] £65 Add book to basket
Bostridge. (Peter). Mid Essex Beagles. An Illustrated History. 1953-2004. [4339] £20 Add book to basket
Bouessee (Joel), Ashley Dormeuil, H. Tremblot de la Croix Venerie aujourd'hui. [10428] £30 Add book to basket
BOVILL. (E.W.). The England of Nimrod and Surtees. Oxford. 1959. [1425] £8.50 Add book to basket
BOWERS. (G.). Mr. Crop's Harriers. [1891]. [317] £45 Add book to basket
Bowers. (G.). Leaves From A Hunting Journal. [8637] £150 Add book to basket
BOWERS. (G.). Notes from a Hunting Box not in the Shires. 1873. [1427] £60 Add book to basket
Bowers. (Georgina). Canters in Campshire. 1) Gallops To Gorseborough. 2) Scrambles with Scratch Packs. 3) Studies with Staghounds. [4342] £125 Add book to basket
Bracher (Steven) The Hunting of the Hare. A Poem [11785] £20 Add book to basket
BRACHER. (Steven). The Hunting of the Hare New Forest Beagles Will Meet: Royal Oak, Fritham. 1947. [1430] £22 Add book to basket
Bradley (Cuthbert) The Foxhound of the Twentieth Century. The breeding and work of the kennels of England, [10908] £95 Add book to basket
BRADLEY. (Cuthbert). Fox-Hunting from Shire to Shire. 1912. [860] £30 Add book to basket
Bradley. (Cuthbert). Good Sport with Famous Packs. 1885-1910. [5369] £25 Add book to basket
BRADLEY. (Cuthbert). The Reminiscences of Frank Gillard (Huntsman), with the Belvoir Hounds. 1860 to 1896. 1898. [63] £45 Add book to basket
Bradley. (Cuthbert). The Foxhound of the Twentieth Century. The Breeding and Work of the Kennels of England. [4343] £25 Add book to basket
BRADWOOD. (Wat). A Hunt Cup; Or Loyalty Before All. A Novelette. 1875. [1431] £18 Add book to basket
Breese ( Louis V.) Some Unwritten Laws of Organized Foxhunting and Comments on the Usages of the Sport of Riding to Hounds in America. [9692] £30 Add book to basket
BRIDGE. (Joseph C.). "Horns". Two Lectures Delivered Before the Chester Archaeoloical Society on February 16th and March 15th, 1904. With Other Articles on Horns and Hunting Horns Bound In. [7900] £225 Add book to basket
BRINDLEY.(Jim). Reminiscences and Rhymes of the Ward Union Hunt. Some Verses and other items connected with the Ward Union Hunt, collected from various sources between 1865 and 1923. Dublin. 1923. [36] £95 Add book to basket
Brise A. W. Ruggles Historical Notes of the Last Century with the East Essex Hounds and Other Memories [11410] £20 Add book to basket
British Hunts and Huntsman British Hunts and Huntsmen, The South-East, East, and Eastern Midlands of England, [11039] £95 Add book to basket
British Hunts and Huntsmen British Hunts and Huntsmen. a) England N.E., West Midlands and Wales. [4344] £95 Add book to basket
BRITISH HUNTS AND HUNTSMEN. 1 England South East and East Midlands,2 England South West, 3 England West Midlands and Wales, 4 England North,Scotland and Ireland. 1909-11. [50] £395 Add book to basket
BROCK. (D.W.E.). To Hunt The Fox. [7984] £15 Add book to basket
BROKE. (Lord Willoughby de). The Sport of Our Ancestors, being a collection of Prose and Verse, setting forth the Sport of Fox-Hunting. 1921. [1435] £150 Add book to basket
BROKE. (Lord Willoughby de). Hunting the Fox. 1921. [1434] £15 Add book to basket
BROKE. (R. Lord Willoughby de). Hunting the Fox. 1925. [64] £30 Add book to basket
Bromley-Davenport. (W.). Sport. illustrated by Lt.-Gen. H. Hope Crealocke. [4953] £10.50 Add book to basket
BROOKE. D.S.O., M.C. (Brigadier Geofrrey). A'Hunting We Will Go. Illustrated by \Capt. G.H.Dixon. (A Novel). [8190] £12 Add book to basket
Brown. (Kenneth). The Medchester Club. Derrydale Press. [4345] £45 Add book to basket
Brown. (Vic). The Foxhunters of Norfolk. 1534 to the Present Day. [6394] £38 Add book to basket
BROWNLOW. (Jack). Melton Mowbray. Queen of the Shires. Wymondham. 1980. [868] £65 Add book to basket
Bruce. (Brig.Gen. C.D.). The Essex Foxhounds. 1895-1926 and Adjacent Hunts. With Notes on Hunting in Essex. [5892] £85 Add book to basket
Bruce. Rory Knight RED LETTER DAYS Hunting Across the British Isles [11252] £12 Add book to basket
BRYDEN. (H.A.). Enchantments of the Field. Chronocles of Sport and Wild Life. 1930. [1439] £12.50 Add book to basket
Bryden. (H.A.). Hare-Hunting and Harriers. With Notices of Beagles and Bassett Hounds. London. [2459] £20 Add book to basket
BUCHANAN-JARDINE. (Sir J.). Hounds of the World. 1937. [1441] £95 Add book to basket
Buchanan-Jardine. (Sir John). Hounds of the World. [6094] £75 Add book to basket
Buckland (Harry) A Master of Hounds. Being the Life Story of Harry Buckland of Ashford by One who Knows Him. [9559] £20 Add book to basket
BULLANDRE. (Simon de). Le Lievre. Poeme Avec Une Notice des Notes par Ernest Jullien. Paris [7252] £75 Add book to basket
Bullock-Webster. (H.). memories of Sport and Travel Fifty Years Ago. From the Hudson's bay Company to New Zealand. [5162] £18 Add book to basket
Bumble Bee A Day With The Duke (Badminton). Dedicated with kind permission to The Lady Blanche Elizabeth Adelaide Somerset. Cowell. Ipswich. [10679] £295 Add book to basket
Burnard ( Sir Francis ) The Fox's Frolic. [9734] £125 Add book to basket
Burnard. (Sir Francis). The Fox's Frolic. [6205] £28 Add book to basket
Burrows. (G.T.). Cheshire Sports and Sportsmen. Including a History of the Cheshire Cup. [5163] £45 Add book to basket
Burrows. (George T.). Gentleman Charles. A History of Foxhunting. [5164] £10 Add book to basket
Busby. (Christopher). Edited by Tally Ho! Huntin' With Mr Punch. [8623] £18 Add book to basket
Buxton. (Meriel). The World of Hunting. [4347] £45 Add book to basket
BUXTON. (Meriel). Ladies of The Chase. [8039] £45 Add book to basket

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