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Author Title Price Purchase
RACE. (George). Seventy Years a Master. A Huntsman's Reminiscences. [1911]. [1844] £35 Add book to basket
Radcliffe. (F.P. Delme) The Noble Science: A few General Ideas on Fox-Hunting. [9553] £350 Add book to basket
Radcliffe. (F.P. Delme). The Noble Science: A Few General Ideas on Fox-Hunting. [5086] £225 Add book to basket
RADCLIFFE. (F.P.D.). The Noble Science: A Few General Ideas on Fox-Hunting. 1839. [838] £75 Add book to basket
RADCLIFFE. (F.P.Delme). The Noble Science: A Few General Ideas on Fox-Hunting. 1893. [839] £50 Add book to basket
RADCLIFFE. (F.P.Delme). The Noble Science. A Few General Ideas on Fox-Hunting for the Use of the Rising Generation of Sportsmen and More Especially Those of the Hertfordshire Hunt Club. 1839. [1846] £110 Add book to basket
RADNORSHIRE AND WEST HEREFORDSHIRE A Short History of the Radnorshire and West Herefordshire Hunt 1861-1961 [11394] £15 Add book to basket
Rancher Forrard On. With plates by Lionel Edwards, [11560] £48 Add book to basket
Rancher Tally-Ho Back, Illustrated by Lionel Edwards. [11559] £150 Add book to basket
Rancher Forrard-On With plates by Lionel Edwards [11131] £105 Add book to basket
Randall (John) Old Sports and Sportsmen, or, the Willey Country. With sketches of Squire Forester and his whipper in Tom Moody [10938] £45 Add book to basket
Randall(J.L.) A History of The Meynell Hounds and Country 1780 to 1901 [10925] £160 Add book to basket
RANDALL. (J.L.). A History of the Meynell Hounds and Country. 1780 to 1901. [7351] £95 Add book to basket
Rees. (Simon). The Charlton Hunt. A history [6401] £25 Add book to basket
Rees. (Tom). Racing Reminiscences. Recollections of Hunters and Hunting in West Wales. [5320] £10 Add book to basket
Reeve ( J Stanley ) Radnor Reminiscences. A Foxhunting Journal. Boston [9691] £25 Add book to basket
Reeve ( J Stanley ) Fox-Hunting Recollections. A Journal of the Radnor Hounds and Other Packs. [9677] £65 Add book to basket
REEVE. (J.Stanley). Fox-Hunting Recollections. A Journal of the Radnor Hounds and Other Packs. [1851] £40 Add book to basket
REEVE. (J.Stanley). Further Fox-Hunting Recollections. Including the Great Lenape Run, together with other notes and entries from the journal 1928-35. New York. 1935. [321] £75 Add book to basket
Reeve. (John Sherard). Compiled by Lyra Venatica. A Collection of Hunting Songs. [8657] £15 Add book to basket
Reynard. (Frank H.). The Bedale Hounds. 1832-1908 [5322] £110 Add book to basket
Rhoderick-Jones. (Robin). Ronnie Wallace. The Authorized Version. [5910] £10.50 Add book to basket
Ribblesdale. (Lord). The Queen's Hounds and Stag-Hunting Recollections [5321] £18 Add book to basket
RICHARDSON. (Charles). The Complete Foxhunter. 1908. [837] £18 Add book to basket
Richardson. (Charles). Practical Hints for Hunting Novices. [5327] £20 Add book to basket
RICHARDSON. (S.T.). Splutterings of a SPorting Pen. [8056] £50 Add book to basket
Robards Hugh J Foxhunting in England, Ireland, and North America: A Life in Hunt Service (The Derrydale Press Foxhunters' Library) [11258] £85 Add book to basket
Roberts. (Capt. E.G.). Somewhere in England and Other Hunting Verses. [8513] £45 Add book to basket
ROBERTS. (E.G.). Somewhere in England. 1929. [854] £28 Add book to basket
Robins. (George U.). Lays of the Hertfordshire Hunt and Other Poems. [8492] £12.50 Add book to basket
ROBSON. (John). and Andrew Jennings. Phil Burrows and the Bolebrooke Beagles. 1994. [1870] £30 Add book to basket
Roe. (Owen). and honor Urse. By The Brown Bag. Stories of Irish Life and Sport. [8805] £25 Add book to basket
RONDONNEAU L. Nouveau manuel théorique et pratique des gardes champêtres, forestiers et gardes-pêche.Tourneaux Paris [11588] £75 Add book to basket
Rooper. (George.). Flood, Field and Forest. [5323] £12.50 Add book to basket
Ross (Martin) and E.O. Somerville A Patrick's Day Hunt. [10919] £75 Add book to basket
Rossell Jr. (John E.). Lt.Col., U.S. Army History of The Maryland Hunt Cup. 1894-1954 [8715] £30 Add book to basket
Royal Caledonian Hunt. Notanda from Institution of the Hunt in 1777 to 1906. List of Members, Rules etc. [5336] £15 Add book to basket
Royal Caledonian Hunt. Royal Caledonian Hunt. Notanda from Institution of the Hunt in 1777 to 1937. List of members, Rules etc. A Special Copy Bound for The DUke of Gloucester who was Honorary Preses. [5334] £65 Add book to basket
Royal Caledonian Hunt. Notanda from Institution of the Hunt in 1777 to 1927, List of members, Rules etc. Privately Printed [5335] £35 Add book to basket
Russell. (Fox). In Scarlet and Silk; or, Recollections of Hunting and Steeplechase Riding. [5324] £10 Add book to basket
Russell. (Fox). Sporting Society or Sporting Chat and Sporting Memories. [5330] £30 Add book to basket
RUTHERFORD. (James H.). The History of the Linlithgow and Stirlingshire Hunt. 1775-1910. Edinburgh. 1911. [855] £45 Add book to basket
Ryan ( Thady ) My Privileged Life: With the Scarteen Black and Tans (The Derrydale Press Foxhunters' Library) [11197] £40 Add book to basket

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