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Author Title Price Purchase
G.G. [H.G.Harper]. On The Grass. A Sporting Comedy. n.d. [ca. 1890] [1580] £35 Add book to basket
Gale. (Frederick). The Life of Hon. Robert Grimston. [5240] £38 Add book to basket
GALWAY. (Viscount). Sport with Viscount Galway's Hounds, 1876-1907. [The Author]. [2478] £50 Add book to basket
GAMBRILL. (R.V.N.). and J.C.MacKenzie. Sporting Stable and Kennel. 1935. [376] £135 Add book to basket
Gardiner (John Smallman) The Art and Pleasure of Hare-Hunting. In Six letters To A Person of Quality. [10559] £750 Add book to basket
GARDINER. (John Smallman). The Art and Pleasure of hare-Hunting. In Six letters To A Person of Quality. [7250] £475 Add book to basket
Gardner (Kay ) Hounds Please ! [11672] £25 Add book to basket
Gardner. (Kay). A Short Cast Back. [5916] £18 Add book to basket
GARLE. (Hubert). Hunting in the Golden Days. 1896. [1584] £18 Add book to basket
Garnier. (Pierre). La Venerie au XIXe siercle. Chasse des Mammiferes de France. Paris. [6588] £75 Add book to basket
GAUCHET. (Claude). Le Plasir des Champs avec la Venerie, Volerie et Pescherie. Poemes en Quatres Parties. Edition revue et annotee par Prosper Blanchemain. Paris. [2479] £125 Add book to basket
Gee. (Ernest R.). Early American Sporting Books. 1734-1844. A Few Brief Notes. [5234] £8 Add book to basket
Gilbey (Sir Walter) Hounds in Old Days, [10912] £65 Add book to basket
GILLARD. (Frank). The Operation of the Quorn Hounds 1869-1870. The Diary of Frank Gillard. Edited by Squire De Lisle. Wymondham. Leics., 1982. [877] £48 Add book to basket
Goldfinch. (Frances). and Pat Fountain The West Street Hunt [5229] £25 Add book to basket
GOMERSALL. (Wm). Hunting in Craven. [7547] £75 Add book to basket
GORDON. (Adam Lindsay). and EDWARDS (Lionel). Sporting Verse. [48] £28 Add book to basket
Goss ( fred) Memories of a Stag Harbourer. A Record of Twenty Eight Years with the Devon and Somerset. 1894-1921. [11689] £45 Add book to basket
Goss. (Fred). Memories of a Stag Harbourer. A Record of Twenty Eight Years with the Devon and Somerset. 1894-1921. [5056] £45 Add book to basket
Gould ( S Baring) Old Country Life. ( Includes The Hunting Parson and The Hunt ) [9751] £15 Add book to basket
Gouldbourne. (E.). The Epwell Hunt. Hawkes. (M.). The Raby Hunt. The Melton Hunt. [5058] £125 Add book to basket
Graham, Bart. (Sir Reginald). Poems of the Chase. Collected and Recollected by Sir Reginald Graham. Bart. [5238] £20 Add book to basket
Graham. (Sir R.). Poems of the Chase. COllected and Recollected by Sir Reginald Graham. [4367] £95 Add book to basket
Graham. Bart. (Sir Reginald). Foxhunting Recollections [5239] £20 Add book to basket
Grand (Gordon) Redmond C Stewart. Foxhunter and Gentleman of Maryland. New York [9697] £30 Add book to basket
Grand ( Gordon ) Colonel Weatherford and His Friends. Derrydale Press [11426] £75 Add book to basket
Grand ( Gordon) Mr Henry P. Throckmorton. [9694] £65 Add book to basket
GRAND. (Gordon). The Southborough Fox and other Colonel Weatherford Stories. Derrydale Press. New York. 1939. [1599] £45 Add book to basket
Grand. (Gordon). The Silver Horn. Sporting Tales of John Weatherford. Drawings by K.F. Barker [5237] £10.50 Add book to basket
Gray. (David). Gallops. Derrydale Press. [4369] £125 Add book to basket
Greaves. (Ralph). High Days and Bye Days. Being Stray Chapters From the Life of a Huntsman. [8579] £12 Add book to basket
Greaves. (Ralph). Dainty. A Story of a Foxhound. Illustrated by Lionel Edwards. [5236] £15 Add book to basket
GREVILLE. (Lady). [Editor]. Ladies in the Field, Sketches of Sport. [576] £38 Add book to basket
GRIFFITH. (T.A.). and Others. Hunting Songs by T.A.Griffith and Other Well Known Writers. Lichfield. 1876. [1602] £45 Add book to basket
Guest. (The Hon. Lady T.). Hunting Journal of the Blackmore vale Hounds from 1884 to 1888. Yeovil. [5869] £75 Add book to basket
Guichard (A.Cu ) Manuel des Garges Champetres et Forestiers, et des Gardes-Peche, Garnery Paris [11587] £75 Add book to basket
GWYNN. (M.M. Xavier). From Hunting Field to Cloister. Dublin. 1946. [1606] £18 Add book to basket

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