The results of your search can be seen below. If you require more detail on any item i.e. photos etc., or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. All prices are quoted in pounds sterling.
| Title
| Price
| Purchase
L. (Harry). |
Lays of the Chase and Odds and Ends. With Manuscript Poem on Last page. [7549] |
£35 |
Langley. (Tim). |
Good Morning....Good Night. [5268] |
£25 |
Lanier (Charles D.) |
More Foxhunting in England. A further venture with British Hounds. [9993] |
£35 |
Laurant-Perrier. |
Les Honneurs Laurant-Perrier de la Chasse [4657] |
£20 |
LE MASSON. (Edmond). |
Souvenirs d'un Chasseur Touriste suivi d'un Essai sur la Chasse Souterraine du Blaireau et du Renard. Averanches. 1859 [1695] |
£85 |
Le Verrier de la Conterie |
Le Verrier de la Conterie. Venerie Normande; ou, L'Ecole de la Chasse aux Chiens Courants, pour le Lievre, Le Chevreuil, le Cerf, le Daim, le Sanglier, le Loup, le Renard & la Loutre. [2 eme ed.] [5122] |
£750 |
Legg. (Rodney). and Chris Copson |
Dorset Sporting Runs. Huntsmen Writing on Hunting Through The Best Hunting Country. [8951] |
£15 |
Lentilhon, Eugene |
Forty Years Beagling in the United States [11784] |
£30 |
Lethbridge (Richard) |
The immortal Mr Bisset. Master of the Devon and Somerset Staghounds 1855-1881. An account of his life and sporting runs. [10493] |
£50 |
Lethbridge (Richard) |
Sir John Amory's Staghounds. [10184] |
£20 |
Lethbridge Richard |
The Barnstaple Staghounds [11233] |
£60 |
Levesque (Donatien) |
En Deplacement Chasses a Courre en France et en Angleterre. [10034] |
£95 |
LEWIS. (Gifford). Edited by |
The Selected Letters of Somerville and Ross. [8042] |
£12,50 |
Lewis. (Peter). |
A Fox Hunter's Anthology [5266] |
££10.00 |
Lewis. (Peter). Compiled by |
A Fox-Hunters Anthology. [8652] |
£12.50 |
Extracts from a Hunting Diary. 1916-17 and 1917-18. PRICE PER YEAR. [1701] |
£20 |
LLoyd ( J. Ivester ) |
Some Notes on the Chase [11662] |
£25 |
Lloyd. (J. Ivester). |
Riders of the Heath [5280] |
£7.50 |
LLOYD. (T.Ivester). |
Hounds. 1934. [1706] |
£45 |
LLOYD. (T.Ivester). |
Hounds. 1934. [1707] |
£85 |
LLOYD. (T.Ivester). |
Hounds. 1934. [1705] |
£35 |
Loder-Symonds (F.C.) and E.Percy Crowdy |
A History of the Old Berks Hunt from 1760 to 1904. With a chapter on early foxhunting. [10149] |
£45 |
LOMAX. (James). |
Otter Hunting Diary 1829 to 1871. Blackburn. 1910. [586] |
£185 |
LOMAX. (James). |
Diary of Otter Hunting. 1986. [830] |
£35 |
LONDONDERRY. (Marchioness of). |
Henry Chaplin. A Memoir. [7876] |
£28 |
The History of Foxhunting. 1975. [859] |
£20 |
LONGRIGG. (Roger). |
The History of Foxhunting. 1975. [1712] |
£95 |
Lonsdale ( Earl of ) |
The Cottesmore and the Earl of Lonsdale's Hounds 1921 [9482] |
£295 |
Lonsdale Library Frederick. (Sir Charles). et al |
Fox-Hunting. [5053] |
£150 |
Lonsdale Library. [Smith.(A.Croxton).] |
Hounds and Dogs. Their Care, Training and Working. [4586] |
£25 |
Foxhunting. 1930. [829] |
£20 |
Lougher Thelma |
Lest We Forget : A Collection of Poems [11257] |
£10 |
Lovell. (Mary S.). |
A Hunting Pageant. [5281] |
£5 |
LOWTH. (Rev. Robert). |
Billesdon Coplow. A Poem on Fox-Hunting. London. 1833. [1718] |
£185 |
LOWTH. (Rev. Robert). |
Billesdon Coplow. A Poem. Descriptive of a Remarkable Day's Sport in Leicestershire on Monday February 24th, 1800; To Which is Prefixed a Brief Memoir of the Author. T.Griffiths. [7896] |
£175 |
Lucas. (Captain Jocelyn M.). |
Hunt and Working Terriers. [5275] |
£35 |
Luker (W.) |
A Day with Lord Leconfield's Hounds. Published by The West Sussex Gazette. [10000] |
£450 |
Lutterell. (Claude). |
Sporting Recollections of a younger Son. [5274] |
£15 |
Lutyens. (F.M.). |
Mr. Spinks and His Hounds [5276] |
£25 |
Lynch. (Stanislaus). |
Hoof-Prints On Parchment. Hunting Poems. [5288] |
£15 |
Lynch. (Stanislaus). |
A Hunting Man's Rambles. [5273] |
£10 |
Lynch. (Stanislaus). |
Rhymes of an Irish Huntsman. Illustrated by Michael Lyne. [8837] |
£185 |
Lynch. (Stanislaus). |
Echoes of the Hunting Horn [8627] |
£20 |
Lyne (Michael) |
The Michael Lyne Sketch Book.Standfast Press. Cherington. [9502] |
£950 |
Lyne. (Michael). |
A Parson's Son. Sporting Artist. [6139] |
£45 |
Lyne. (Michael). |
Horses, Hounds and Country. Studies From A Sportsman's Note Book. [4588] |
£78 |
Lyne. (Michael). |
The Michael Lyne Sketch Book. [4589] |
£125 |
LYNE. (Michael). |
From Litter to Later On. A Puppy "Progress" Book.
Standfast Press. [7227] |
£25 |