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Author Title Price Purchase
Nash. (D.W.). The Fox's Prophecy. [4595] £48 Add book to basket
NETHERCOTE. (H.O.). The Pytchley Hunt; Past, Present. Its history From its Foundation to the Present Day, With Personal Anecdotes and Biographies of the Masters and Priciple Members, Including the Woodlands and Unpublished Letters of Sir F.B.Head. [7551] £150 Add book to basket
NEVILL. (Ralph). Old English Sporting Books. The Studio. 1924. [365] £95 Add book to basket
NEVILL. (Ralph). Old English Sporting Books. 1924. [1776] £110 Add book to basket
Newton. (G.W.). Rural SPorts and How To Enjoy Them. With an appendix, comprising memoirs and characteristics of eminent sportsmen. [6742] £350 Add book to basket
Nimrod The Horse and the Hound, their various uses and treatment, including practical instructions in horsemanship and a treatise on horse-dealing. [9571] £125 Add book to basket
Nimrod Life of a Sportsman [11598] £1500 Add book to basket
Nimrod A Sketch of the Sporting Career of the late Hon. Martin-Bladen Hawke, with his poems on Hunting etc. Pontefract. [9521] £95 Add book to basket
Nimrod ( C.J. Apperley ) My Life and Times [9078] £25 Add book to basket
Nimrod ( C.j.Apperley ) Life of a Sportsman [11154] £850 Add book to basket
Nimrod (C.J.Apperley) Nimrod's Hunting Tours Interspersed with Characteristic Anecdotes Sayings and Doings of Sporting Men. A new edition with introduction by W. Shaw Sparrow [10117] £75 Add book to basket
Nimrod (C.J.Apperley) Remarks on the Condition of Hunters, the Choice of Horses and their Management. [10934] £75 Add book to basket
Nimrod (C.J.Apperley). The Chace, The Turf and The Road. [5044] £225 Add book to basket
Nimrod. The Chace, The Turf and The Road. [5901] £125 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperely). My Life and Times. Edited with additions by E.D.Cuming. 1927. [1779] £50 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperley). Memoirs of the Life of the late John Mytton Esq. of Halston , Shropshire. 1869. [382] £195 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperley). Nimrod's Hunting Reminiscences. Comprising Memoirs of Masters of Hounds, Notices of Crack Riders and Characteristics of the Hunting Countries of England. 1926. [1782] £18 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperley). The Life of a Sportsman. [ca 1877]. [315] £350 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperley). The Life of John Mytton of halston, Shropshire. With His Hunting, Racing, SHooting, Driving and Extravagant Exploits. [1780] £350 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperley). Nimrod Abroad. 1943. [1781] £125 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperley). Memoirs of the Life of the Late John Mytton of Halston, Shropshire. [384] £350 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperley). Remarks on the Condition of Hunters, the Choice of Horses and their Management, 1834. [1783] £65 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperley). Remarks on the Condition of Hunters, the Choice of Horses and their Management. 1834. [1784] £65 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperley). The Chase. The Turf and The Road. 1837. [1785] £225 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperley). The Life of a Sportsman. 1914. [27] £295 Add book to basket
NIMROD. (C.J.Apperley). The Life of a Sportsman. 1914. [1788] £125 Add book to basket
Nimrod. (C.J.Apperley). Remarks on the Condition of Hunters, The Choice of Horses and their Management: In a Series of Familiar Letters, Original Published in The SPorting Magazine Between 1822 and 1828. [6096] £125 Add book to basket
Nimrod. (C.J.Apperley). The Chace, The Turf and The Road. [6102] £175 Add book to basket
Nimrod. (Charles James Apperley) My Horses and Other Essays. [7616] £50 Add book to basket
NOCKOLD. (Margaret T.). A History of the Sproughton Foot Beagles. 1909-1994. Privately printed. 1996. [331] £75 Add book to basket
Northumberland. (Duke of ). The Shadow of the Moor. [5051] £75 Add book to basket
NORTHUMBERLAND. (Duke of). The Shadow on the Moor. 1932. [1789] £65 Add book to basket

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