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Author Title Price Purchase
EARDLEY-WILMOT. (Sire J.E.). Reminiscences of the Late Thomas Ashton Smith, Esq. or The Pursuits of an English Country Gentleman. 1860. [1529] £95 Add book to basket
EBERLE. (Admiral Sir James). Jim. First of the Pack. A History of the Britannia Beagles during One Hundred Years of Hare Hunting in South Devon. 1878 - 1978. 1982. [827] £30 Add book to basket
Edwards ( Lionel ) Huntsmen . Past and Present [11792] £150 Add book to basket
Edwards ( Lionel) My Scottish Sketch Book [11491] £225 Add book to basket
Edwards (Lionel) A Leicestershire Sketch Book [5197] £15 Add book to basket
Edwards (Lionel) Getting To Know Your Pony. [5200] £25 Add book to basket
Edwards (Lionel) My Scottish Sketch Book [11492] £150 Add book to basket
Edwards (Lionel) My Irish Sketch Book [11743] £95 Add book to basket
Edwards (Lionel) Thy Servant The Horse [5199] £12 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel & ALDERSON. (Maj.Gen. E.A.H.) Pink & Scarlet; or, Hunting as a School for Soldering. London. [2472] £65 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). Wiles of the Fox. Medici Society. 1932. [1544] £200 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). Sketches in Stable and Kennel. 1944. [80] £25 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). Sketches in Stable and Kennel. [1542] £250 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). My Irish Sketch Book. 1938. [1540] £175 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). Beasts of the Chase. 1950. [1536] £30 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). A Leicestershire Sketch Book. 1935. [1532] £65 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). My Hunting Sketchbook. 1928-30. [369] £125 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). Famous Foxhunters. 1932. [374] £250 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). A Sportsman's Bag. 1937. [370] £225 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). Famous Foxhunters. London. [2470] £45 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). The Wiles of the Fox. 1932. [821] £25 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). Reminiscences of a Sporting Artist. 1947. [814] £25 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). My Hunting Sketch Book. [557] £800 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). Huntsmen. Past and Present. 1939. [551] £45 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). Seen From the Saddle. 1937. [375] £35 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). 'Rancher'. Forrard-On!. 1930. [863] £45 Add book to basket
Edwards. (Lionel). The Passing Seasons [4360] £225 Add book to basket
Edwards. (Lionel). A Loan Exhibition. Presented by SPorting Art Trust. [6089] £15 Add book to basket
Edwards. (Lionel). A Sportsman's Bag. [8705] £350 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). Horses and Ponies. A Book of Sketches. London. [2471] £48 Add book to basket
Edwards. (Lionel). Seen From The Saddle. [6092] £45 Add book to basket
Edwards. (Lionel). My Scottish Sketch Book. [5926] £125 Add book to basket
Edwards. (Lionel). My Hunting Sketch Book. Volume 2. [4355] £395 Add book to basket
Edwards. (Lionel). The Fox [4359] £25 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). and H.F.Wallace. Hunting and Stalking the Deer. The Pursit of the Red, Fallow and Roe Deer in England and Scotland. 1927. [1534] £450 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). and H.F.Wallace. Hunting and Stalking the Deer. The Pursuit of Red, Fallow and Roe Deer in England and Scotland. 1927. [1533] £85 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). BENSON. (P.G.R.). Jingling Bits. Privately Printed. n.d., [ca 1924]. [1537] £75 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). CHALMERS. (Patrick R.). The Horn. A Lay of the Grassington Fox-Hounds, by Patrick Chalmers, London. [2473] £48 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). CHARLTON. (Moyra). Echoing Horn. 1939. [1539] £18 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). DAWSON. (Capt. Lionel). Sport in War. London. [2474] £48 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). FAWCETT. (William). Thoroughbred and Hunter. Their breeding, Training and Management from Foalhood to Maturity. 1934. [619] £350 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). HOLDEN. (Beatrice). They're Away. (Hunting Poems). 1945. [833] £12.50 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). MACDERMOT. (E.T.). The Devon and Somerset Staghounds, 1907-1936, by E.T.Macdermot. London. [2475] £110 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). MacDERMOT. (E.T.). The Devon and Somerset Staghounds. 1907-1936. [373] £350 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). 'Rancher'. Tally-Ho Back!. [371] £45 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). WALLACE. (Frank). A Stuart Sketch Book. 1542-1746. 1933 [368] £25 Add book to basket
EDWARDS. (Lionel). WARBURTON. (R,E,Egerton). Hunting Songs. 1925. [1543] £30 Add book to basket
Edwards. (Lionel). Watson. (J.N.P.). Lionel Edwards. Master of the Sporting Scene. [4361] £25 Add book to basket
Edwards. (Marjorie). Figures In A Landscape. Lionel Edwards, R.I., R.C.A.A Sporting Artist and his Family. [5195] £25 Add book to basket
Eeles. (Henry S.). The Eridge Hunt. [5206] £95 Add book to basket
Egerton. (R.E. Egerton). SOngs and Verses on SPorting Subjects. [6746] £30 Add book to basket
Elliott (J.M.K.) Fifty Years Fox-Hunting with the Grafton and Other Packs of hounds. 1900. [10162] £75 Add book to basket
ELLIS. (Colin D.B.). Leicestershire and the Quorn Hunt. Leicester. 1951. [822] £20 Add book to basket
ENDERS. (John O.). A Foxhunter's Scrapbook. Hartford [7980] £45 Add book to basket
ESSAYS ON HUNTING. Containing a Philosophical Enquiry into the Nature and Properties of the Scent. Observations on the Different Kinds of Hound, with the Manner of Training Them. A New Edition, containing the Account of the Vizier's Manner of Hunting in the Mogul… [2020] £250 Add book to basket
Evered. (Philip). Staghunting with The Devon and Somerset. 1887-1901. An Account of The Chase of the WIld Red Deer On Exmoor. [5209] £65 Add book to basket
Everhart (James Bowen) The Fox Chase [9996] £30 Add book to basket

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