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Author Title Price Purchase
Satterlee. (L.D.). Compiled by.... Fourteen Old Gun Catalogues for The Collector. Volume II. Consisting of the following Sharps Catalogues, Printed in Facsimile: 1859 - 1864 - 1875 - 1876 - 1877 - 1878 - 1879 - 1880. [6980] £10 Add book to basket
Savory. (Alan). Norfolk Fowler. [2446] £10 Add book to basket
Scolopax The Book of the Snipe [11111] £35 Add book to basket
Scott (Peter) Morning Flight [11149] £95 Add book to basket
SCOTT. (Peter). Wild Chorus. [3040] £285 Add book to basket
Scott. (Peter). Wild Chorus. [6970] £300 Add book to basket
Seigne. (J.W.). and E.C. Keith Woodcock and Snipe. [5757] £15 Add book to basket
Sharp (Henry) Practical Wild-Fowling. [10066] £95 Add book to basket
SHARP . (Henry). The Gun; Afield and Afloat. [6499] £55 Add book to basket
SHARP . (Henry). Modern Sporting Gunnery. [6901] £135 Add book to basket
SHARPE. (Philip B.). The Rifle in America. New York. [2549] £45 Add book to basket
Sheldon ( Col. H.P.) Tranquillity. Tales with Rod and Gun. [10036] £45 Add book to basket
SHELDON. (William G.). The Book of the American Woodcock. University of Massachusetts. [7293] £20 Add book to basket
Shepherd ( Michael) Come Wildfowling [10376] £15 Add book to basket
SHEPHERD. (Michael). Jack Inge. Biography of a Sportsman. 1997. [1269] £12 Add book to basket
Shooting Times Library 1) Thomas Gough. Shotguns and Cartridges. 6) Cadman. Shouldergunning for Ducks 9) Prior. Roe Stalking [5503] £15 per copy Add book to basket
SIMMONS. (A.D.). Wing Shots. A Series of Camera Studies of American Game Birds and other Birds of Field and Stream on the Wing. New York. Derrydale Press. [2526] £65 Add book to basket
Simpson. (J.). The WIld Rabbit in a New Aspect , or, Rabbit-Warrens That Pay. [5616] £20 Add book to basket
Smith ( Sydney) Snowden Slights Wildfowler [10632] £125 Add book to basket
Smith. (Edmund Ware). A Tomato Can Chronicle and Other Stories of Fishing & Shooting. Illustrated by Ralph L. Boyer. New York. Derrydale Press. [6985] £45 Add book to basket
SOUTHGATE. (Frank). & H.B.C.Pollard. WIldfowl & Waders. Nature and SPort in the Coastlands. London. [3358] £150 Add book to basket
Speakman ( Fred J.) A Keeper's Tale. (Epping Forest) [10377] £10.50 Add book to basket
Spiller ( Burton L.) Grouse Feathers, illustrated by Lynn Bogue Hunt, [11643] £15 Add book to basket
Spiller (Burton L.) Complete set of Spiller's Derrydale Titles. Grouse Feathers, The Thoroughbred,Firelight, More Grouse Feathers. [10013] £200 Add book to basket
Sportsman. (The). Editor British Sports and Sportsmen. Shooting and Deerstalking. [8970] £135 Add book to basket
Spottiswoode (J.) The Moorland Gamekeeper. [10410] £15 Add book to basket
Stanford ( J.K.) A Bewilderment of Birds. [9190] £15 Add book to basket
Stanford ( J.K.) Broken Lanterns. [9721] £25 Add book to basket
Stanford (J.K) The Wandering Gun [9012] £10.50 Add book to basket
Stanford (J.K.) The Twelfth and After Being the life and death of George Hysteron-Proteron. [7854] £12 Add book to basket
Stanford. (J.K.). The Complex Gun [6991] £10 Add book to basket
Stanford. (J.K.). Jimmy Bundobust. [6069] £10.50 Add book to basket
Stanford. (J.K.). Guns Wanted. With illustrations by A.M.Hughes [6990] £10 Add book to basket
Stanford. (J.K.). A Keeper's Country. [6992] £12 Add book to basket
Stanford. (J.K.). Bledgrave Hall. [6989] £10.50 Add book to basket
Stephens. (Martin). Grouse Shooting. [7179] £15 Add book to basket
Stoeger. Stoeger Arms Corporation. 507 Fifth Avenue. Catalog No. 34. New York. [5464] £55 Add book to basket

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