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Author Title Price Purchase
Parker ( Alfred J.) Ltd Guns, Rifles, Shootinfg Accessories, Range Reqisites. [9215] £15 Add book to basket
Parker (Eric) Elements of Shooting, [10917] £12 Add book to basket
Parker (Eric) The Shooting Week-End Book. [10404] £10 Add book to basket
Parker. (Eric). Editor. Partridges; Yesterday and Today. [5569] £12.50 Add book to basket
Paterson. (A.H.). A Norfolk Naturalist. Observations on Birds, mammals and Fishes. [6873] £45 Add book to basket
PATTERSON (Arthur H.). Through Broadland in a Beydon Punt. [6905] £40 Add book to basket
Patterson ( A.H. ) Wild Life on a Norfolk Estuary [11641] £20 Add book to basket
Patterson (Arthur) NOTES OF AN EAST COAST NATURALIST: A Series of Observations Made at Odd Times During a Period of Twenty-Five Years in the Neighbourhood of Great Yarmouth [11101] £25 Add book to basket
Patterson (Arthur) Wildfowlers and Poachers, Fifty Years on the East Coast [11100] £80 Add book to basket
PATTERSON. (Arthur H.). Wild Life on a Norfolk Estuary. [8022] £48 Add book to basket
Payne-Gallway. (Sir Ralph). The Fowler in Ireland, or, Notes on the haunts and Habits of WIldfowl and Seafowl Including Instructions in the Art of Shooting and Capturing Them. [5589] £125 Add book to basket
Payne-Gallway. (Sir Ralph). Letters to Young Shooters. Third Series. Comprising Short Natural History of british Wildfowl and Complete Directions in Shooting WIldfowl on the Coast and Inland. [5588] £45 Add book to basket
Payne-Gallwey (Sir R.) High Pheasants in Theory and Practice. [11112] £12 Add book to basket
PAYNE-GALLWEY. (Sir R.). The Fowler in Ireland: or, Notes on the Haunts and Habits of WIldfowl and Seafowl. London. [3303] £135 Add book to basket
PAYNE-GALLWEY. (Sir R.). High Pheasants in Theory and Practice. London. [3302] £95 Add book to basket
PAYNE-GALLWEY. (Sir R.). Letters to Young Shooters, on the choice and use of a gun. [3300] £110 Add book to basket
PAYNE-GALLWEY. (Sir Ralph). The Fowler in Ireland. Signet Press [7279] £75 Add book to basket
Payne-Gallwey. (Sir Ralph). The Fowler in Ireland, or, Notes on the haunts and Habits of Wildfowl and Seafowl including Instructions in the Art of Shooting and Capturing Them. [6693] £15 Add book to basket
Payne-Gallwey. (Sir Ralph). Letters TO young Shooters. (Third Series). A Short natural history of British Wildfowl and Complete Directions in Shooting WIldfowl on the Coast and Inland. [6594] £60 Add book to basket
PAYNE-GALLWEY.(Sir R.). Letters to Young Shooters, on the choice and use of a gun. 1896-99. [1260] £110 Add book to basket
Phillips, John C. & Frederick C. Lincoln. AMERICAN WATERFOWL: Their present situation and the outlook for their future. [11068] £18 Add book to basket
PHILLIPS. (J.C.). & L.W.Hill. Editors. Classics of the American Shooting Field. A mixed bag for the kindly sportsman. 1783-1926. Boston. Mass. [3301] £195 Add book to basket
PLUMMER. (D.Brian). Modern Ferreting. Ipswich. 1981. [1262] £10.50 Add book to basket
Pollard (H.B.C.) A History of Firearms. Boston [10378] £45. Add book to basket
Pollard (H.B.C.) and Phyllis Barclay-Smith British and American Game-Birds. Illustrated by Philip Rickman [10224] £295 Add book to basket
Pollard. (H.B.). The Gun Room Guide. [7366] £250 Add book to basket
Pollard. (H.B.C.). Game Birds and Game Bird Shooting. [5761] £20 Add book to basket
Pollard. (H.B.C.). Game Birds. Rearing, Preservation and Shooting. [2317] £65.00 Add book to basket
Pollard. (H.B.C.). Wildfowl and Waders. Nature and Sport in the Coastlands. [2284] £45 Add book to basket
POLLARD. (H.B.C.). The Gun Room Guide. 1930 [1264] £65 Add book to basket
POLLARD. (H.B.C.). and Phyllis Barclay-Smith British and American Game Birds. [3041] £25 Add book to basket
Popowski. (Bert). Olt's Hunting Handbook. [6701] £15 Add book to basket
Portal (Major M.) and Dr Walter Collinge Partridge Diseases and its Causes [10857] £15 Add book to basket
POTTS. (G.R.). The Partridge, Pesticides, Predation and Conservation. [7286] £25 Add book to basket
Powell (Bill) The Grey Goose Call [9015] £20 Add book to basket
Powell (Bill) The Grey Goose Call, David Grayling [11102] £25 Add book to basket
Powell. (Bill). My Wild Goose Chase. [5566] £25 Add book to basket
Punch Mr. Punch With Rod and Gun. The Humours of Fishing and Shooting. [6699] £15 Add book to basket
Pyhrr. (S.W.). Donald J. LaRocca and Morihiro Ogwana Arms and Armour. Notable Acquisitions 1991-2002. Metropolitan Museum of Art. [8422] £10 Add book to basket

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