The results of your search can be seen below. If you require more detail on any item i.e. photos etc., or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. All prices are quoted in pounds sterling.
| Title
| Price
| Purchase
Mackie. (P. Jefferey). |
The Keeper's Book. A Guide to the Duties of a Gamekeeper. Seventh Edition. Glasgow [5423] |
£30 |
Malcolm. (George). and A.Maxwell. |
Grouse and Grouse Moors. [5585] |
£45 |
MALMESBURY. (Earl of). |
Half a Century of Sport in Hampshire. Being extracts from the Shooting Journals of James Edward, Second Earl of Malmesbury. Editor F.G. Aflalo. 1903. [1255] |
£25 |
mangeot. (h.). |
Traite du Fusil de Chasse et Moyens D'En Ameliorer La Portee, Le Fini et le Duree. Bruxelles. [3093] |
£125 |
Marchington. (John). |
A Portrait of Shooting. With Articles by B.B., J.K.Stanford, Peter Hawker etc. [6963] |
£65 |
Marchington. (John). |
The History of Wildfowling. [5106] |
£15 |
Armement et Equipment de l'Infantrie Francaise du XVIe au XXe Siecle. Paris.
£175 |
Marksman |
The Dead Shot or Sportsman's Complete Guide: Being a Treatise on The Use of The Gun. With Rudimentary and Finishing Lessons in the Art of Shooting Game of all Kinds, and Wild-Fowl: Also Pigeon-Shooting and Dogbreaking
[11646] |
£32 |
MATTHEWSON. (Worth). |
Reflections on Snipe. Sand Lake Press. [7285] |
£125 |
MAYER. (John). |
The Sportsman's Directory: or, Park and Gamekeeper's Companion.... Also a description of all kinds of Poaching, how to detect Poachers. [3293] |
£85 |
Mayer. (Wilhelm). |
Arms, Hunting and Sporting Requisities. (Catalogue). [5460] |
£45 |
Mayers. (John). |
The Sportsman's Directory: or, Park and gamekeeper's Companion.... [8915] |
£125 |
McCLEAN. (Dr. Jean). and Myron Poloney. |
Dr. J.F.McClean's Peacemakers. New York. [3134] |
£450 |
McGivern. (Ed). |
Fast and Fancy Revolver Shooting. Follett Publishing COmpany, Chicago. [6556] |
£30 |
McKelvie (Colin L ) |
The Grouse [11631] |
£425 |
McKelvie (Colin L ) |
The Snipe [11634] |
£450 |
McKelvie ( Colin L ) |
The Woodcock [11633] |
£1988 |
McKelvie. (Colin). |
The Book of the Woodcock. [5472] |
£15 |
MEGNIN. (Pierre). |
Elevage, Hygiene et maladies du Gibier a Poils et du Gibier a Plumes. Lievres et lapins, Falsans et Perdix. Vincennes. [7833] |
£45 |
MILLAIS. (J.G.). |
The WIldfowler in Scotland. [3348] |
£125 |
MILLAIS. (J.G.). and Others. |
The Gun at Home and Abroad. British Deer and Ground Game, Dogs, Guns & Rifles. London. [3356] |
£225 |
MILLER. (Thomas). |
The Poacher and Other Pictures of Country Life. n.d. (ca 1840). [bound with] ÔThe Sherwood Forester', Rambles in the Country. 1842. [1257] |
£45 |
Morant. (G.F.). |
Game Preservers and Bird Preservers. Which Are Our Friends?. [8730] |
£75 |
Mules. (P.H.). |
George Doggett. Keeper. A Story of a Devonshire Manor Thirty Years Ago. Manchester [5570] |
£48 |
Mursell. (Norman). |
Come Dawn, Come Dusk. Fifty Years a Gamekeeper. [6682] |
£12.50 |
Museo. Stibbert. |
Firenze Draghi e peonie. (With English Text). [8418] |
£18 |