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Author Title Price Purchase
PAALMAN. (A.). Training Showjumpers. 1989. [746] £12 Add book to basket
Pallin ( Captain W.A.) A Treatise on Epizootic Lymphangitis. [10277] £20 Add book to basket
PALMER. (Joseph). The Dartmoor Pony. A History of the Breed. [8045] £25 Add book to basket
Parelli (Pat) and Kathy Kadash Western Horseman. Natural Horse-Man-Ship. Colorado Springs. [10102] £10.50 Add book to basket
Parker ( Rick ) Equine Science, Fourth edition , New York [11507] £30 Add book to basket
Parkinson (Major J.D.) and Capt bR.b.Hornby " Along O' My Old Brown Mule". more R.A.V.C history 1944-7 [10692] £12 Add book to basket
Parlin, S.W. The American Trotter, a Treatise on His Origin, History and Development [11710] £125 Add book to basket
Parslow. (Sue). Going The Distance. A manual of Long Distance Riding. [5343] £5 Add book to basket
PATTISON. (I.). The British Veterinary Profession. 1791-1948. 1983. [744] £10 Add book to basket
Pattison. (Iain). John McFadyean. Funder of Modern Veterinary Research. J.Allen Publication [3869] £10 Add book to basket
PAVORD. (Tony). BVSc, MRCVS and Marcy Pavord. The Complete Equine Veterinary manual. A totally comprehensive guide to equine health. Fully cross-referenced for easy use. Ideal for every level of equestrian knowledge including the latest developments in veterinary medicine. [8012] £12 Add book to basket
Peace (Michael) and Lesley Bayley Schooling problems Solved with NLP [10084] £12 Add book to basket
Pembroke. (Earl of). Military Equitation; or, A Method of Breaking Horses, and Teaching Soldiers to Ride, Designed For The Use of the Army. [6490] £225 Add book to basket
PERCIVALL. (John). A Series of Elementary Lectures on the Vetrinary Art; Wherein the Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Horse are Essayed on the General Priciples of Medical Science. [7349] £125 Add book to basket
PERKINS. (C.E.). The Pinto Horse. Santa Barbara. 1927. [549] £15 Add book to basket
Peters. (J.G.). A Treatise on Equitation, or, The Art of Horsemanship, simplified for amateurs. Forming Complete Lessons for Training Horses and Instructions for beginners. Illustrated with twenty-Seven Descriptive Plates. [3630] £85 Add book to basket
Pettenger (P.J.) Reschooling the Thoroughbred. How to buy and retrain a racehorse, [11479] £10 Add book to basket
Phillips (C.S.March) Horse and Man [9109] £25 Add book to basket
Pilliner ( Sarah) Prepare to Win, Care of the Competition Horse, [11369] £12 Add book to basket
Pillner (sarah ) Getting Horses Fit [10081] £10 Add book to basket
PITT. (Frances). Betty. (A Novel). Illustrated by Lionel Edwards. [8261] £10.50 Add book to basket
PLUVINEL. (Antoine de). La Maneige Royal. 1970. [600] £125 Add book to basket
Podhajsky (Alois ) The Spanish Riding School ( text in German, English and French ) [11330] £12.50 Add book to basket
Podhajsky. (A.). The Lipizzaners. [5729] £12 Add book to basket
PODHAJSKY. (A.). The Complete Training of Horse and Rider. 1967. [59] £10 Add book to basket
Podhajsky. (Alois). The Art of Dressage. Basic Principles of Riding and Judging. With photos of the Olympic Dressage Medalists 1912-1972. Translated by Eva Podhajsky. [8541] £18 Add book to basket
Podhajsky. (Alois). The White Stallions of Vienna. Translated by Frances Hogarth-Gaute and Eva Podhajsky. [3638] £12 Add book to basket
Pollard. (Jack). et al Horses and Horsemen. Wild Bush Horses, Thoroughbreds and the Men Who Rode Them. [8540] £15 Add book to basket
POLO. United States Polo Association. 1959. 1965. 1974. Price Per Volume. [691] £15 Add book to basket
POLO. RICKETTS. (Brig.-Gen.R.L.). First Class Polo. Tactics and Match Play. Aldershot. [7917] £48 Add book to basket
POLO. BADMINTON LIBRARY, RIDING AND POLO. Riding by Captain Robert Weir. Polo by J.Moray Brown. 1891. [1820] £45 Add book to basket
POLO. BOARD. (John). Polo. 1956. [1821] £20 Add book to basket
Polo. Campeonato Argentino Campeonato Argentino Algierto de Polo. 1893-1993. [8703] £45 Add book to basket
POLO. KIPLING. (R.). The Maltese Cat. [41] £25 Add book to basket
POLO. LLOYD. (John). and M. ROBERTS. The Pimm's Book of Polo. 1989. [766] £20 Add book to basket
POLO. STANFORD. (J.K.). Last Chukker. [1825] £15 Add book to basket
POLO. VICKERS. (Lt.-Gen. W.F.H.). Practical Polo. 1958. [509] £15 Add book to basket
POLO.RUSSELL-STONEHAM.(D.).and .CHATTERTON-NEWMAN. Polo at Cowdray. The Home of Polo Since 1910. 1992. [524] £22 Add book to basket
Pony of America CLub Pony of America Club Inc. Official Stud Book. Vols. 1-3. 1954-1963. Mason City [7434] £45 Add book to basket
Porter. (Willard H.). Roping and Riding. Fast Horses and Short Ropes. A.S.barnes and Co. New Jersey. [3641] £12.50 Add book to basket
Prestel( J.G.) Sandor_Album, Reit &Fahr-Ereignisse Aus Dem Leben Des Graffen Moritz Sandor. [11127] £175 Add book to basket
Price (Haydn) and Rod Fisher Shoeing for Performance in the Sound and Lame Horse [10259] £10.50 Add book to basket
Proctor. (William). The Management and Treatment of the Horse in the Stable, Field and On The Road. [8928] £48 Add book to basket
Proski. (W.). Wild Horses of Asia. (Equus Przwalskii Poljah) Warsaw [7409] £65 Add book to basket
Pruski. (W.). J.Grabowski and S.Schuch. Hodowla Koni. Warsaw [7374] £85 Add book to basket
Przwalksi Horse Equus. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Przwalski Horse Organised by the Zoological Garden in Prague from September 8th, 1959. Prague. [7446] £50 Add book to basket
Pullein-Thompson (Josephine) Horses and their Owners. An anthology [7882] £10 Add book to basket
PULLEIN-THOMPSON. (Christine). Pony Patrol. (A Novel). [8194] £7.50 Add book to basket
PULLEIN-THOMPSON. (Christine). Stolen Ponies. With Drawings by Sheila Rose. (A NOvel). [8197] £10 Add book to basket
Putz (Michael ), Gertrud A Ruggeberg, Carol Hogg Riding with Understanding and Feeling: Know How, Understand Why, Feel When [11334] £20 Add book to basket

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