The results of your search can be seen below. If you require more detail on any item i.e. photos etc., or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. All prices are quoted in pounds sterling.
| Title
| Price
| Purchase
Badminton Library |
Weir.(Capt. R.). Riding. [also] Brown. (J.Moray). Polo.
[5091] |
£55 |
Bailey Melanie |
Equine Stud Management [10877] |
£12 |
Baily. (Don). |
Saddle Strings. Privately Printed. [8398] |
£30 |
Baird (Eiic) |
The Clydesdale Horse. [10704] |
£7 |
BAKER. (Sue). |
Survival of the Fittest. A Natural History of the Exmoor Pony. Dulverton. 1993. [721] |
£16 |
Barabowski. (Zdzislaw). |
The International Horseman's Dictionary [4492] |
£20 |
Barclay. (Harold B.). |
The Role of the Horse in Man's Culture. [3510] |
£38.50 |
Barnett, K.C.; Crispin, M.; Lavach, J.D.; Matthews, A.G. |
Color Atlas and Text of Equine Ophthalmology [11319] |
£45 |
Bartlett. (J.). |
Pharmacopoeia Hippiatrica, or, The Gentleman's Farrier Repository of Elegant and Approved Remedies for the Disease of Horses. Eton. [6170] |
£150 |
BARTON. (F.T.). |
Hunters. 1910. [52] |
£12.50 |
BARTON. (Frank Townend). M.R.C.V.S. |
Horses: Their Points and Management in Health and Disease. [7659] |
£35 |
BARTOS-HOPPNER. (Barbara). |
Auf dem Rucken der Pferde. Wurzburg. [7567] |
£10 |
Battersby. (Col. J.C.). |
The Bridle Bits. A Treatise on Practical Horsemanship. New York. [8912] |
£75 |
Bayley Lesley |
What is My Horse Thinking ?, The essential guide to understanding your horse [11267] |
£10 |
Bayley. (Lesley). & Caroline Davis. |
The Less-Then-Perfect Rider. Overcoming Common Riding Problems. [3677] |
£10 |
BECHER. (R). |
Schooling by the National Method. 1974. [636] |
£8 |
Belasik (Paul) |
Dressage for the 21st Century [8323] |
£48 |
Belknap ( Maria ) |
The Ultimate English/ Spanish Dictionary for Horsemen [11547] |
£15 |
Bellamy. (Joyce). |
Hyde Park For Horsemanship. [3720] |
£10 |
Bennett ( Deb ) |
Principles of Conformation Analysis. volumes 1 and 2 [11512] |
£15 |
Bentz ( Bradford G.) |
Understanding Equine Neurological Disorders.Your guide to horse health care and management. [10082] |
£10 |
BERENGER. (Richard). |
The History and Art of Horsemanship. 1771. [623] |
£650 |
Berjeau. (P.Charles). |
The Horses of Antiquity, Middle Ages and Renaissance. From the Earliest Monuments Down to the XVI Century. [6312] |
£175 |
Biegel (Peter) |
Booted and Spurred. An anthology of Riding. [9448] |
£65 |
BIEGEL. (Peter). |
Booted and Spurred. An Anthology of Riding. 1949. [53] |
£10 |
BIERNACKI. (S.). J.Grabowski & C.Gurski |
The Pozhan Horse. [7554] |
£125 |
Birch. (Major Noel). |
Modern Riding with Notes on Horse Training. [3723] |
£10 |
Blacque Belair. (Lt.Col.). |
Cavalry Horsemanship and Horse Training. (Responses Au Questionnaire D'Equitation de L'Ecole De Cavalierie). Translated from the French by John Swire. [8564] |
£30 |
Blew. (W.C.A.). and Others |
Light Horses. Breeds and Management. Live Stock Handbook No. 11. [3721] |
£10 |
Blignault ( Karin) |
Four Steps to Riding Success. [10668] |
£10 |
The Griffin's Aid-de-Camp. [1417] |
£200 |
Board. (John). |
From Point To Point. [3736] |
£8 |
Boisseau. (Jeanne). |
Notes sur L'Enseignement de Nuno Oliveira. [8545] |
£30 |
Bokonyi. (Dr. Sandor). |
The Przevalsky Horse. Translated from the Hungarian by Lili halapy. [3739] |
£10.50 |
Bosvile. (G0dfrey). |
Horses, Horsemen and Stable Management. [8599] |
£25 |
Bourke. (H.S.J.). |
Horse Training. Including notes on Polo Ponies, Hunters and Jumpers of all descriptions: together with a section on Training Horses for Races. [3737] |
£12.50 |
Bowling Ann T.), Anatoly Ruvinsky |
The Genetics of the Horse [11523] |
£65 |
Bracken ( Henry) |
Farriery Improved : or a Compleat Treatise Upon the Art of Farriery. Wherein is Fully Explained the Nature, Structure, Mechanism of the Noble and Useful Creature. A Horse. [10350] |
£175 |
Bracken ( Henry) |
Farriery Improved : or a Compleat Treatise Upon the Art of Farriery. Wherein is Fully Explained the Nature, Structure, Mechanism of the Noble and Useful [10346] |
£195 |
Bracken. (Henry). |
The Traveller's Pocket-Farrier: or, A Treatise Upon The Distempers and Common Incidents happening to Horses on a Journey. With Directions For the Choice of a Good Road-House. [6304] |
£225 |
Bradley (O.Charnock) |
The Topographical anatomy of the Thorax and Abdomen of the Horse. [8443] |
£15 |
Brandl. (Albert). |
Improve Your Riding. Dressage, Jumping, Cross-Country. [3740] |
£6 |
Brega ( Julie ) |
The Horse, The Foot, Shoeing and Lameness [11305] |
£6 |
British Driving Society |
British Driving Society Yearbooks. 1964-1980, 1982, 1985 & 1986. [7476] |
£45 |
Britton ( Vanessa ) |
The Complete Tack Guide [11341] |
£10 |
Britton ( Vanessa ) |
Alternative Therapies for Horses, A new approach to health and fitness [11337] |
£12 |
Britton. (Vanessa). |
The Horse Owner's Problem Solver. Provides Practical SOlutions to the Most Common problems Relating to Horse Care and Management. [8765] |
£8.50 |
Bromiley ( Mary W.) |
Massage Techniques for Horse and Rider. [10096] |
£10.50 |
Brooke. (Lt.-Col. G.). |
The Way of a Man with a Horse. A Practical Book on Horsemanship. Lonsdale Library. [6874] |
£250 |
Brooke. (Lt.-Col. Geoffrey). |
Horse Lovers. Addressed to those who are thrilled by the deep note of a hound, and rejoice in the feel of a good horse beneath them. With illustrations by "Snaffles". [3981] |
£10 |
Brown (J.Moray) |
Polo [10158] |
£95 |
Budd (Jackie) |
Reading the Horse's Mind [10090] |
£10 |
BUDIANSKY. (Stephen). |
The Nature of Horses. Their Evolution, Intelligence and Behaviour. 1997. [1446] |
£10 |
Burdett-COults. (W.). |
The Brookfield Stud. (Highgate Road, London, N.W. and Shenley, Herts.) of Old English Breeds of Horses; hackneys, Cleveland bays, Yorkshire Coach Horses, Thoroughbreds, Ponies. [6916] |
£185 |
Burger. (Udo). |
The Way To Perfect Horsemanship. First English Cased Edition. Translated by Nicole Bartle. [3996] |
£10 |
Burrell. (Sir M.R.). |
Light Horses. Their Breeding & Management. A Practical Handbook for the everyday use of owners of small Stud Farms and their grooms. [3719] |
£6.50 |
Burton ( Jonathan R.) and Darlene Sordillo |
How to Ride a Winning Dressage Test: The Judge's Guide to Step-By-Step Improvement [11366] |
£10 |