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Author Title Price Purchase
Faibish. (Harry Chaim). Healing Horses the Classical Way. [3885] £18 Add book to basket
FEARNLEY. (William). Lessons in Horse Judging with Instructions for the Summering of Hunters. 1879. [54] £25 Add book to basket
Ferguson (Victoria) The Practical Horse Herbal. Natural Therapies for Your Horse. [10108] £20 Add book to basket
FILLIS. (James). Breaking and Riding with Military Commentaries. Translated by M.H.Hayes. (1911). [683] £45 Add book to basket
Fillis. (James). Principes de Dressage et d'Equitation. [4031] £18 Add book to basket
Fillis. (James). Breaking and Riding. With Military Commentaries. [8543] £40 Add book to basket
Fisher (Major A.T.) The Farrier or ' No Foot, No Horse' with some description of the anatomy of the horse's foot and how to shoe and preserve it in health. [10209] £65 Add book to basket
FISHER. (Major A.T.). Through the Stable and Stable-Room. 1890. [674] £12.50 Add book to basket
Flandorffer. (Tamas). and josef Hajas The Horse and Horsemanship. [4314] £7.50 Add book to basket
Fleming (G,) The Practical Horse Keeper, [11009] £20 Add book to basket
Fleming (G.) Rabies and Hydrophobia. Their History, Nature, Causes, Symptoms and Prevention. [10429] £110 Add book to basket
Fleming (G.) Practical Horse-Shoeing [11306] £30 Add book to basket
Fleming (George) Horse-Shoes and Horse-Shoeing; Their Origin, History, Uses and Abuses. [10536] £225 Add book to basket
Fleming (George) A Manual of Veterinary Sanitary Science and Police, Embracing the Nature, Causes, Symptoms, Etc;, and the Prevention, Suppression, Therapeutic Treatment, and Relations to the Public Health of the Epizootic and Contagious Diseases of the Domes [10609] £125 Add book to basket
Forbes. (Allan). Sport in Norfolk County. With a chapter on Polo by W.Cameron Forbes and a preface on Hunting by Henry G.Vaughan [3562] £75 Add book to basket
Forbes. (William Cameron). As To Polo [3563] £25 Add book to basket
Foster. (Carol). Badminton Trials. A History of the Three-Day Event. [7479] £10.50 Add book to basket
Frank ( Charles) Reminiscences of a Travelling Vet, [11562] £12 Add book to basket
FRAPE. (David). Equine Nutrition & Feeding. [8226] £10 Add book to basket
Fraser (A.F.) The Days of the Garron. The Story of the Highland Pony [11005] £20 Add book to basket
FRATEUR. (J.L.). The Age of the Horse. 1923. [480] £25 Add book to basket
Free Lance Horses and Roads, or, How To Keep a Horse SOund on His Legs. [7745] £65 Add book to basket
French. (Jo). The BHSAI Course Companion [3565] £5 Add book to basket
Froissard. (Jean). A Guide to Basic Dressage. A Nelson's Horsemasters Series. [3568] £5 Add book to basket
FROISSARD. (Jean). Equitation. Learning and Teaching. Translated by Lily Powell-Froissard. [675] £15 Add book to basket
Froissard. (Jean). and Lily Powell Froissard. Edited by.... The Horseman's International Book of Reference. [5876] £12.50 Add book to basket
Fry (Laura) Discovering Dressage, [11297] £8 Add book to basket

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