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Author Title Price Purchase
MacCormac. (Michael). The Irish Racing and Bloodstock Industry. An Economic Analysis. [6518] £20 Add book to basket
MACEY. (Alan). The Romance of the Derby Stakes. Hutchinson & Co. London [2937] £15 Add book to basket
MacFarlane. (L.R.C.). Eighty Years With Horses. [8616] £12.50 Add book to basket
Mackay-Smith. (Alexander). Speed and the Thoroughbred. Derrydale Press. [4246] £38 Add book to basket
MACKAY-SMITH. (Alexander). The Race Horses of America 1832-1872. Portraits and Other Paintings by Edward Troye. Saratoga Springs. 1981. [73] £135 Add book to basket
Mackie. (William). A Noble Breed. Auckland Racing Club. 1874-1974. [3857] £20 Add book to basket
Magee ( Sean ) The Irish Derby: Celebrating the 150th Running of Irelands Greatest Race: Celebrating Irelands Greatest Race [11584] £15 Add book to basket
Magee ( Sean) editor Highclere. The first 25 years. [10779] £25 Add book to basket
Magee (Sean) The Race of My Life, Top jockeys descibe races [7774] ££10.50 Add book to basket
Magee (Sean) Arkle. The life and legacy of 'Himself' [7801] £12 Add book to basket
MAGEE, (Michael). Champions. London, 1980. [150] £20 Add book to basket
Magee. (Sean). The Channel Four Book of Racing. [5849] £10.50 Add book to basket
MAGEE. (Sean). Sea The Stars. [7907] £13 Add book to basket
MAGEE. (Sean). Coming To The Last. A Tribute to Peter O'Sullevan. [2962] £8 Add book to basket
Magee. (Sean). Racing and the Irish. [6154] £12.50 Add book to basket
Magee. (Sean). and Guy Lewis To Win Just Once. The Life of a Journeyman Jump Jockey [5715] £10.50 Add book to basket
MAGEE. (Sean). Edited by Freud on Course. The Racing Lives of Clement Freud. [8004] £10.50 Add book to basket
Magee. (Sean). with Sally Aird Ascot. The History. [6407] £18 Add book to basket
Mahon (Jack) The Galway Races. Dublin [9844] £12 Add book to basket
Mangumk ( William Preston) A Kingdom for the Horse: The Legacy of R. A. Alexander and Woodburn Farms [10838] £35 Add book to basket
MARCH. (Russell). The Jockeys of Vanity Fair. 1985. [1730] £25 Add book to basket
MARCHAL, (Commandant G.-H.) Les Souches des Poulineres Francaises (Volumes XIX et XX du Stud Book Francais). Paris, n.d. [ca. 1930]. [152] £150 Add book to basket
MARLOW. (C.H.B.). The Oestrous Cycle. Mating Practices, Conception Rates and Foetal Losses in Thoroughbreds in the Eastern Cape Province. Pretoria. 1984. [460] £25 Add book to basket
Marsh. (Marcus). Racing With The Gods. An Autobiography by Marcus Marsh. [4107] £15 Add book to basket
MARSH. (Richard). A Trainer to Two Kings. Being the Reminiscences of Richard Marsh. [3149] £30 Add book to basket
Marshall ( Mary ) Great Breeders and Their Methods: Leslie Combs II and Spendthrift Farm [11463] £65 Add book to basket
Marshall, Michael W. The Art and Science of Racehorse Training: The "Bill" Marshall Guide [11532] £15 Add book to basket
MARSHALL. (Michael W.). The Art and Science of Racehorse Training. With an introduction by Jack Berry. [2940] £15 Add book to basket
Martingdale Turf Characters. pp. 128 Bound with Won by a Neck. A Racing Novel. [6137] £85 Add book to basket
Masefield (John) Right Royal [7880] £35 Add book to basket
MASEFIELD. (John). Right Royal. 1922. [1733] £225 Add book to basket
MASEFIELD. (John). Right Royal. Illustrated with Colour and Line Drawings by Cecil Aldin. [2941] £28 Add book to basket
Mason (Finch) Tit Bits of the Turf. [9452] £500 Add book to basket
Mason (Finch) Heroes and Heroines of the Grand National. a complete account of every race from its foundation in 1839 to the present day. [9518] £125 Add book to basket
MASON. (Finch). Heroes and Heroines of The Grand National [8230] £125 Add book to basket
Mason. (Finch). Annals of The Horse-Shoe Club. [8621] £10.50 Add book to basket
MASON. (Finch). Tit Bits of The Turf. [8210] £225 Add book to basket
Mason's 1947 Mason's Time Test Annual, Yes! it is odds on the clock 1946 winning speed figures , fast losing favourites, time handicapping, fastest horses of 1946, [11720] £45 Add book to basket
Mathers (Helen) Tally Ho! (Racing Novel) [10476] £12 Add book to basket
Mathieu (Paul) The Masters of Manton. From alec Taylor to George Todd [8487] £18 Add book to basket
MATHIEU. (Paul). The Druid's Lodge Confederacy. The Gambler's Who Make Racing Pay. [7251] £25 Add book to basket
MAUSKOPK. (Norman). Dark Horses. Altandena. [7244] £20 Add book to basket
MAY. (Peter). The Changing Face of Newmarket. 1600-1760. [2939] £10.50 Add book to basket
MAY. (Peter). Newmarket. Medieval and Tudor. [7997] £10 Add book to basket
McCain. (Ginger). with Michael Folley My Colourful Life. From Red to Amber [6130] £10.50 Add book to basket
McCONNELL. (Tom). The Tartan Turf. Scottish Racing - Its Horses and Heroes. [2935] £18 Add book to basket
McCoy (A.P.) and Don McClean A.P.McCoy. My Autobiography. [9162] £12 Add book to basket
McCOY. (Tony). with Claude Duval. The Real McCoy. My Life So Far. [3408] £12.50 Add book to basket
McFADDEN. (W.J.). Thoroughbred Sires of Australia and New Zealand. Sydney. 1962. [347] £250 Add book to basket
McGee. (Sean). Channel Four Racing. Complete A-Z of Horse Racing. [4715] £8.50 Add book to basket
McGuigan. (John). A Trainer's Memories. [4707] £20 Add book to basket
McILVANNEY. (Hugh). McIlvanney of Horseracing. Foreword by Peter O'Sullevan. [2936] £5 Add book to basket
McKAY. (W.J.Stewart.). The Evolution of the Endurance, Speed and Staying Power of the Racehorse. Hutchinson & Co. London. [2938] £38 Add book to basket
McLEAN. (Ken). Genetic Heritage. [7605] £95 Add book to basket
McLEAN. (Ken.). Quest for a Classic Winner. Pedigree Patterns of the Racehorse. Kentucky. 1987. [45] £225 Add book to basket
McLEOD. (Juliet). A Hundred Horses. [553] £30 Add book to basket
MEARNS. (Dan) Seattle Slew. Thoroughbred Legends Series No. 5. Lexington, Kentucky. [7595] £15 Add book to basket
MEEK, (C. F. U.) Winners of the Past and their Breeding. Together with Statistics Relative to the Figure System of Bruce Lowe. London, 1907. [153] £85 Add book to basket
Mellon. (Paul). An Address by Paul Mellon at The Two Hundredth Annual Dinner of the Gimcrack Club. The Racecourse. York. December, 11th, 1970. [4249] £25 Add book to basket
Melton. (George). The Derby 1919-1947 [6417] £15 Add book to basket
Menke ( Frank G.) Down the Stretch, The Story of Colonel Matt J. Winn. New York [11648] £25 Add book to basket
Meredith (Capt G.W.L.) Preparing the Point-to-Point Horse, [9496] £20 Add book to basket
Meredith. (Captain G.W.L.). Training Horses For Races. A Handbook for Amateur Beginners. [3743] £15 Add book to basket
Metzel ( Harold ) Own a Racehorse Without Spending a Fortune: Partnering in the Sport of Kings [11524] £10 Add book to basket
MILLAR, (M.) Training and Ownership. Kingston-on-Thames, 1941. [245] £28 Add book to basket
MILLER, (M.) Breeding To Win. Kingston-on-Thames, 1943. [244] £25 Add book to basket
Miller. (M.). Training and Ownership. Kingston-On-Thames. [4252] £28 Add book to basket
Miller. (Michael). How To Breed A Racehorse. [6405] £25 Add book to basket
MILLER. (Wm. C. ). F.R.C.V.S., F.R.S.E. Practical Essentials in the Care and Management of Horses on Thoroughbred Studs. [2943] £8.50 Add book to basket
MILLS. (John). The Life of a Racehorse. [7758] £48 Add book to basket
MILLS. (John). Stable Secrets or Puffy Doddles, His Sayings and Sympathies. [7757] £95 Add book to basket
Milner. (Mordaunt). Thoroughbred Breeding. Notes and Comments. [5918] £12.50 Add book to basket
MITCHELL. (Derek). Steve Cauthen. Partridge Press. [3486] £10 Add book to basket
Mitchell. (Frank J.). Great Breeders and Their Methods. The Hancocks. [7612] £35 Add book to basket
Mitchell. Ph.D. (Frank). et al Racehorse Breeding Theories. [7615] £85 Add book to basket
MONROE. (David Hoadley). The Grand National. 1893-1930. Foreword by WIlliam V.C.Ruxton and a Note by E.A.C.Topham. [2950] £40 Add book to basket
Moods of Horseracing Moods of Horseracing. A photographic essay of horseracing in all its moods. [6064] £20 Add book to basket
Mooney (Bill) and George Ennor The Complete Encyclopaedia of Horse Racing. An illustrated guide to Flat Racing and Steeplechasing. [7805] £10 Add book to basket
Moorhouse. (Edward). The Romance of the Derby in Which are Woven the Facts and Figures a Sportsman Rerquires if he WOuld be Familiar with the Leading Incidents Associated with the Long Series of COntests for the Greatest Prize that can be Won by Votaries of the Turf. [6078] £225 Add book to basket
MOORHOUSE. (Edward). The History and Romance of the Derby. [2945] £225 Add book to basket
Moorhouse. (Edward). In Collaboration with.... John Porter of Kingsclere. An Autobiography. [4112] £45 Add book to basket
Morgan ( William ) Strongholds of Satan. A survey of the bygone racecourses of Britain, Volume one The South East [11680] £70 Add book to basket
Morgan ( William) Strongholds of Satan. A survey of the bygone racecourses of Britain. Volume 2 The South-West and Wales [11766] £100 Add book to basket
Morgan William Strongholds of Satan. A survey of the bygone racecourses of Britain, Volume 3 The Midlands [11791] £100 Add book to basket
Morland. (T. Hornby). The Genealogy of the English Racehorse: With the Natural history of His Progenitors.... [5157] £375 Add book to basket
MORRIS. (A.G.). Stallion Guide. 1983 + 1984. Truro, Cornwall. Price per copy. [340] £15 Add book to basket
MORRIS. (Tony). Thoroughbred Stallions. [2946] £12 Add book to basket
MORTIMER, (Roger), [editor.] The Encyclopaedia of Flat Racing. London, 1971. [154] £20 Add book to basket
MORTIMER, (Roger), Richard ONSLOW & Peter WILLETT. Biographical Encyclopaedia of British Flat Racing. London, 1978. [159] £25 Add book to basket
MORTIMER, (Roger). The Jockey Club. London, 1958. [241] £10 Add book to basket
MORTIMER, (Roger). More Great Racehorses of the World. London, 1972. [158] £20 Add book to basket
MORTIMER, (Roger). Great Racehorses of the World. London, 1970. [157] £20 Add book to basket
MORTIMER, (Roger). The Epsom Derby, by Roger Mortimer with Tim NELIGAN. London, 1984. [155] £12.50 Add book to basket
MORTIMER, (Roger). The Flat:- Flat Racing in Britain since 1939. London, 1979. [156] £20 Add book to basket
MORTIMER. (Roger). The History of the Derby Stakes. 1973. [1760] £52 Add book to basket
MORTIMER. (Roger). Anthony Mildmay. Privately Printed. [3164] £95 Add book to basket
MORTIMER. (Roger). The History of the Derby Stakes. [3163] £58 Add book to basket
MORTIMER. (Roger). The History of the Derby Stakes. [2949] £33 Add book to basket
MORTIMER. (Roger). Twenty Great Horses. Cassell. London. [2948] £20 Add book to basket
MORTON. (Charles). My Sixty Years of the Turf. Reminiscences of the Joys and Sorrows of a Racing Life. [2947] £30 Add book to basket
Mottershead.(Lee). Persian Punch. The Authorised Tribute. [7483] £8.50 Add book to basket
Mountier ( Mary ) The Racing Scene in New Zealand [11516] £20 Add book to basket
Mountier ( Mary ) and Tony Morris Notable English and Irish Thoroughbreds. New Zealand. [9332] £450 Add book to basket
MOUNTIER, (Mary); Allen HUNTER and Peter KELLY. Notable New Zealand Thoroughbreds. Martinborough, New Zealand, 1980. [136] £395 Add book to basket
MOUNTIER, (Mary); Douglas M. BARRIE and Graeme CLARK. Notable Australian Thoroughbreds. Waiura, Martinborough, New Zealand, 1981. [2036] £395 Add book to basket
Mrlton. (George). The Derby. 1919-1947. Kingston-On-Thames. [4251] £20 Add book to basket
Muir. (J.B.). Ye Olde New-Markitt Calender of Matches, Results and Programs From 1619 to 1719. Published by the Author. [4256] £225 Add book to basket
Munroe (D.H.) The Grand National. 1839-1930. Huntinton Press. New York. [9686] £125 Add book to basket
MUNROE, (D. H.) The Grand National, 1839-1931. London, 1931. [138] £40 Add book to basket
MUNTING, (Roger). Hedges and Hurdles; A Social and Economic History of National Hunt Racing. London, 1987. [242] £10.50 Add book to basket
MURGATROYD. (Sharon). Jump Jockeys Don't Cry. [2954] £5 Add book to basket
MURGATROYD. (Sharron). On The Other Side of the Fence. [7214] £5 Add book to basket
Murphy( Timmy) Riding the Storm. My Autobiography [7776] £12.50 Add book to basket
Murray. (Amanda). Race to the Finish. The Life and Times of Fred Archer. [7608] £20 Add book to basket
Muscat .Julian Her Majesty's Pleasure. How horseracing enthrals the Queen. [11218] £12 Add book to basket

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