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Author Title Price Purchase
DARLING. (Sam). Sam Darling's Reminiscences. [1497] £65 Add book to basket
Darvill (Richard) A Treatise on the Care, Treatment and Training of the English Race Horse: in a series of Rough notes. 1826-34 [11759] £250 Add book to basket
DARVILL, (Richard). A Treatise on the Care, Treatment and Training of the English Race Horse: in a series of Rough notes. 1840. [477] £175 Add book to basket
DARVILL. (Richard). A Treatise on the Care, Treatment and Training of the English Racehorse; in a series of rough notes. London. 1846. [1498] £175 Add book to basket
Darvill.V.S.(Richard). Late of the 7th Hussars. A Treatose on the Care, Treatment and Training of the English Race Horse: in a Series of Rough Notes. In two volumes. [2385] £135.00 Add book to basket
DARWIN. (Bernard). John Gully and His Times. [3162] £75 Add book to basket
David. (Roy). Robert Sangster . Tycoon of the Turf. [4754] £15 Add book to basket
DAVID. (Roy). The Shergar Mystery. [7318] £20 Add book to basket
David. (Roy). Lester Piggott. Downfall of a Legend. London. Heinemann. [2386] £10.00 Add book to basket
Davidowitz ( Steven ) Betting Thoroughbreds , Second revised edition [11510] £10 Add book to basket
Davies ( Paul ) The Complete Record Index 1-49 [11574] £6 Add book to basket
Davies. (Grenville). A Touch of Colwick. A Prestigious History of Horse Racing in Nottingham. Pride of Place Publishing. [2380] £10 Add book to basket
Davy ( Colin ) Ups and Downs . Memoirs of a Soldier Rider [11778] £12 Add book to basket
Davy. (Colin). Shrimp Harris. (A Novel). [8361] £10 Add book to basket
Dawkins. (G.H.). Present Day Sires and the Figure System. One Hundred and Fifty Pedigrees of Horses Now at the Stud. [5137] £110 Add book to basket
DAWSON. (Elizabeth). Mother made a Book. (The Story of a Lady Bookmaker Between The Wars.) [7241] £25 Add book to basket
DAY, (William). Turf Celebrities I have Known. London, 1891. [183] £50 Add book to basket
DAY. (William). The Horse. How to Breed and Rear Him. Race-Horses, Hunter, Hack, Troop-Horse, Draught-Horse, Shire-Horse, Carriage-Horse, Pony. 1888. [1503] £25 Add book to basket
DAY. (William). Turf Celebrities I Have Known. [3173] £35 Add book to basket
DAY. (William). William Day's Reminiscences of the Turf. With Anecdotes and Recollections of its Principal Celebrities. [3166] £55 Add book to basket
DAY. (William). William Day's Reminiscences of the Turf. With Anecdotes and Recollections of the Principal Celebrities during the Present Reign. 1886. [1504] £45 Add book to basket
Day. (William). The Racehorse in Training with Hints on Racing and Racing Reform. London. Chapman & Hall Ltd. [2387] £45 Add book to basket
DAY. (William). The Racehorse in Training. [3159] £48 Add book to basket
De Crespigny (Sir Claude Champion). Memoirs of Sir Claude Champion De Crespigny. edited by George A.B.Dewar. [9487] £25 Add book to basket
DE MOUBRAY, (Jocelyn). The Thoroughbred Business. London. [139] £20 Add book to basket
de Moubray. (Jocelyn). Horseracing and Racing Society. Who Belongs and How it Works.London. Sidgwick & Jackson. [2389] £10.00 Add book to basket
Del Castillo. (Janet). and Lois Schwartz. Backyard Race Horse. The Training Manual. A Comprehensive Off-Track Program for Owners and Trainers. [8766] £10.50 Add book to basket
DENNIS. (Steve). The Official Story. Sergeant Cecil. The Impossible Dream : From Rags to Racing's Riches. [8003] £12.50 Add book to basket
Devonshire. (Andrew). Park Top. A Romance of the Turf.London. London Magazines Editions. [2390] £18.00 Add book to basket
Dibden (Charles) The High-Mettled Racer. [9428] £95 Add book to basket
Dibdin. (Charles). The High-Mettles Racer. TO Which Has Been Added many Interesting Anecdotes of the Race-Horse. [6079] £95 Add book to basket
DIXON, (Wm. Scarth). The Influence of Racing and the Thoroughbred Horse on Light-Horse Breeding. London, [1924]. [141] £18 Add book to basket
Dixon. (Sydenham). From Gladiator to Persimmon. Turf memories of Thirty Years. [6661] £45 Add book to basket
Dodds ( E.King) Canadian Turf Recollections and Other Sketches. Privately Printed [10600] £35 Add book to basket
Donoghue (Steve) Donoghue Up,The Autobiography of Steve Donoghue [9488] £125 Add book to basket
Donoghue (Steve) Donoghue Up! The Autobiography of Steve Donoghue. [9489] £125 Add book to basket
DONOGHUE. (Stephen). Donoghue Up!. The Autobiography of Steve Donoghue. 1938. [1519] £20 Add book to basket
Donoghue. (Steve). Just My Story. London. Hutchinson & Co. [2392] £20.00 Add book to basket
Dorling. (E.E.). Epsom and the Dorlings. [4105] £85 Add book to basket
Dorman. (John). Racing Champion. Desert Orchid. Introduction by Simon Sherwood. [2391] £10.00 Add book to basket
Dormello-Olgiata Dormello-Olgiata. Milan [5825] £35 Add book to basket
DOSSENBACH, (M. and H. D.) Great Stud Farms of the World . Translated from the German by Daisy Loman. London, 1978. [142] £25 Add book to basket
Dougall. (Neil). Stallions. Their Management and Handling. London. J.A.Allen. [2401] £7.50 Add book to basket
DOUGLAS-HOME, (James). Horse Racing in Berkshire. Stroud, 1992. [180] £12.50 Add book to basket
DOUGLAS-HOME. (Jamie). The Hulton Getty Collection & Allsport Decades of Sport. Horse Racing. Pferderennen Courses hippiques. [7320] £10 Add book to basket
Doust. (Dudley). 221. Peter Scudamore's Record Season. London. Hodder & Stoughton. [2400] £8.50 Add book to basket
Doyle ( Justin) Pearl. the Amazing Story of Florida Pearl.Privately Printed.Dublin [9159] £15 Add book to basket
DRAPE. (Joe). The Race For The Triple Crown: Horses, High Stakes, and Eternal Hope. [8213] £10 Add book to basket
Drinkwater. (John). The Golden 80s. A Decade of the Cheltenham Gold Cup. [4671] £10 Add book to basket
DU HAYS. Les Courses en France en Belgique et a Origines Performances et Prouits des Vainquers des Principaux Prix dans ces Diverses Contrees. Bruxelles. 1863. [1525] £85 Add book to basket
DUESTERDIECK, C., 100 Jahre Derby. Ein Steifzug durch die Geschichte des großen Rennens. 1869-1969. Festschrift des Hamburger Renn-Club. Hrsg. im 100. Jahr des Dt. Derby. [11201] £15 Add book to basket
Duffield. (George). with Michael Tanner Gentleman George? The Contradictory Life of George Duffield. [6131] £10 Add book to basket
Dunwoody (Richard) and Marcus Armytage Hands and Heels. Richard Dunwoody's Favourite Horses [7810] £10.50 Add book to basket
Dunwoody. (Richard). Obsessed. The Autobiography [6125] £10 Add book to basket
Dunwoody. (Richard). with Marcus Armitage. Hell For Leather. A Chamion's Diary. [5884] £8.50 Add book to basket
Duthu (Henry) and Marc Gaillard L'Arc en Vingt Cinq Triomphes. [10190] £45 Add book to basket
Duval. (Claude). Pat on the Back. The Story of Pat Eddery.London. Stanley paul. [2395] £13.50 Add book to basket
Duval. (Claude). Willie Carson. A Biography. London. Stanley paul. [2396] £13.50 Add book to basket

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