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Author Title Price Purchase
Caius (J) Of Englishe Dogges the Diversities,The Names, the Nature and the Properties. A short treatise written in Latin translated by Abraham Fleming in 1576 [10203] £95 Add book to basket
Callender (Reginald ) 'I'm Nick '. A Yorkshire Terrier's Story [9275] £22 Add book to basket
Carlton. (H.W.). Spaniels. Their Breaking for Sport and Field Trials. [5020] £18 Add book to basket
Carlton. (H.W.). Spaniels. Their Breaking for Sport and Field Trials. [5019] £12 Add book to basket
Cartledge. (J. and L.). The Complete Labrador. [7137] £10.50 Add book to basket
Caspersz. (Dorothy S.). The Scottish Terrier. [5641] £10 Add book to basket
Castaing. (Jean). Les Chiens D'Arret. Berne. [5630] £55 Add book to basket
CHALMERS (P.R.). Gun-Dogs. [7029] £295 Add book to basket
CHALMERS (Patrick R.). Gun-Dogs. [5814] £95 Add book to basket
Clark. (Atwood). Gun Dogs and Their Training. [5005] £10.50 Add book to basket
Clarke. (Carlo F.C.). Greyhounds and Greyhound Racing. A Comprehensive and Popular Survey of Britain's Latest Sport. [2427] £20 Add book to basket
Clarke. (H.Edwards). The Modern Greyhound. [2437] £38 Add book to basket
Clarke. (H.Edwards). The Modern Greyhound. [7489] £25 Add book to basket
CLARKE. (H.Edwards.). The Greyhound. Breeding, Rearing and Training. Published by the Author. [2759] £20 Add book to basket
Cline. (Mrs Charles D.). Pet Boston Terrier. Fond du Lac. Wisconsin. [8924] £25 Add book to basket
COLLETT. (C.E.). The Chow Chow for the Novice Breeder and Exhibitor. 1959. [1061] £10 Add book to basket
COLLIER. (V.W.F.). Dogs of China and japan in Nature and Art. London. [2561] £75 Add book to basket
COOK. (Charles). The Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Its History and Characteristics. Compiled from the most Authentic Sources. Edinburgh. [2769] £525 Add book to basket
Cooke ( H.reginald.) Short Notes on Choosing and Breaking a Retriever. [9651] £15 Add book to basket
Cooper. (Carol). Edited by The Newfoundland. [6008] £12.50 Add book to basket
Coventry. (Francis). The History of Pompey the Little; or, The Life and Adventures of a Lap-Dog. [7685] £75 Add book to basket
Coventry. (Francis). The History of Pompey the Little; or, The Life and Adventures of a Lap-Dog. [7684] £75 Add book to basket
CROSS. (Mrs. Ashton). The Pekingese Dog. Amersham. Bucks. [The Author]. [2564] £15 Add book to basket

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